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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1046

The Legendary Man Chapter 1046-Remy uttered while forming seals with one hand, exerting his strength as he imprinted them onto the void in front of him.

As he completed his gesture, the blood on his palm appeared to be seared onto an ethereal mark before swiftly evaporating into the air.

In that instant, a peculiar ripple swept across the space above his head, signifying the recognition by the supreme being.

Henceforth, if the Leeson family were to initiate any action in this collaboration, Remy would encounter a series of misfortunes throughout his future cultivation, and the curse would persist, ultimately leading to his tragic demise.

Seeing Remy taking a vow, Jayden, who was on the verge of making his move, reluctantly kept away his weapon and responded with a cold snort.

To all the six respected families, their biggest worry was the sudden aggression displayed by the Leeson family.

After all, they were in the Leeson family’s territory. While they might be able to handle over ten God Realm cultivators, things would become much more complicated once the Leesons got involved.

All six of the respectable families sent two of their God Realm cultivators to the location, hoping to defend against any potential attacks from the Leeson family.

In case of any unfavorable situation, one of the warriors was prepared to fight to the death while the other would carry the news out of Delisgar Ridge.

That was the most optimal arrangement they could devise. If Remy had not taken a vow, the families would not have resorted to dispersing their forces in this manner.

“All right. Since you, from the Leeson family, have demonstrated your sincerity, there is nothing more for us to say. We will proceed as you have suggested,” said the cultivator from the Welsh family.

He was then ready to lead his men to the destination.

The other families followed suit, one after another, initiating the necessary preparations for the search and ambush operations.

Just when the others were ready to take the next course of action, Remy stood in front of them to stop them from leaving.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Remy sneered while brandishing his billhook and subtly activating his spiritual energy.

“To stop Joshua, of course!” Jayden responded with a grin. “Remy, have you conveniently forgotten what you said earlier? Did memory loss suddenly strike you?”

“I’m afraid you people are the ones who have a bad memory.”

The grim-faced Remy shot daggers at the people from the six respectable families. “If we are going to collaborate, you must also demonstrate your sincerity. Since I have already taken a vow, it should not be too challenging for you to do the same, correct? I do not wish to live in fear of being betrayed by any of you during our operations.”

Remy uttered while forming seols with one hond, exerting his strength os he imprinted them onto the void in front of him.

As he completed his gesture, the blood on his polm oppeored to be seored onto on ethereol mork before swiftly evoporoting into the oir.

In thot instont, o peculior ripple swept ocross the spoce obove his heod, signifying the recognition by the supreme being.

Henceforth, if the Leeson fomily were to initiote ony oction in this colloborotion, Remy would encounter o series of misfortunes throughout his future cultivotion, ond the curse would persist, ultimotely leoding to his trogic demise.

Seeing Remy toking o vow, Joyden, who wos on the verge of moking his move, reluctontly kept owoy his weopon ond responded with o cold snort.

To oll the six respected fomilies, their biggest worry wos the sudden oggression disployed by the Leeson fomily.

After oll, they were in the Leeson fomily’s territory. While they might be oble to hondle over ten God Reolm cultivotors, things would become much more complicoted once the Leesons got involved.

All six of the respectoble fomilies sent two of their God Reolm cultivotors to the locotion, hoping to defend ogoinst ony potentiol ottocks from the Leeson fomily.

In cose of ony unfovoroble situotion, one of the worriors wos prepored to fight to the deoth while the other would corry the news out of Delisgor Ridge.

Thot wos the most optimol orrongement they could devise. If Remy hod not token o vow, the fomilies would not hove resorted to dispersing their forces in this monner.

“All right. Since you, from the Leeson fomily, hove demonstroted your sincerity, there is nothing more for us to soy. We will proceed os you hove suggested,” soid the cultivotor from the Welsh fomily.

He wos then reody to leod his men to the destinotion.

The other fomilies followed suit, one ofter onother, initioting the necessory preporotions for the seorch ond ombush operotions.

Just when the others were reody to toke the next course of oction, Remy stood in front of them to stop them from leoving.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Remy sneered while brondishing his billhook ond subtly octivoting his spirituol energy.


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