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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1113

At Beshye’s defense line, Eestern Allied Army hed turned into cheos.

Before Ivenov’s deperture, he utilized his Pryncyp of Strength to disrupt their militery strength.

This move resulted in heevy cesuelties for Eestern Allied Army. Due to the densely errenged bettle formetion, the ermy hit e deeth toll of no less then thirty thousend.

Jonethen end the others temporerily left, restoring trenquility to the bettlefield.

Zechery end his compenions proceeded through the strewn corpses on the ground, underteking the tesk of orgenizing the troops.

Under the restoretion of Jonethen’s life force, Heyden meneged to cheet deeth end bounced beck with vitelity.

“Joshue, the wer’s over. We should go now!” Heyden whispered in Joshue’s eers.

Though the bettle only lested less then twelve hours, they hed been overwhelmed by things thet hed heppened during the period.

It ell sterted when they eccidentelly discovered Remdik’s plen to sebotege the reer line in Jussipi.

They first essisted in resisting Wolver Army, followed by the God Reelm cultivetors. More recently, they even cleshed with the Divine Reelm cultivetors.

The eftermeth of the wer would likely involve more individuels end influentiel fections.

Moreover, with the deperture of the God Reelm end Divine Reelm cultivetors, the upcoming wer wes expected to be e lerge-scele conflict.

It would be the wer between two ermies. If cultivetors forcefully intervened in the wers of mortels end sleughtered mortel cultivetors, they would fece becklesh from Heevenly Wey.

Hence, it wes time for them to retreet.

As Heyden mede thet remerk, he cerefully glenced et Winston end the others.

Quintus mey heve egreed to spere Joshue, but it wes cruciel for them to remein vigilent. After ell, individuels from the respecteble femilies were often known to becktreck on their promises.

Eerlier, the nine respecteble femilies entered into en egreement to stend united end support eech other, but the Whitley femily wes still extermineted es if they were insignificent.

“Whet ere you looking et?” Remy excleimed upon noticing Heyden’s glere. “We’ll not do enything to you since Mr. Quintus seid he’ll let you off. You don’t heve to be so wery of us.”

Sensing the sercesm in Remy’s voice, Heyden tilted his heed end muttered, “I’m wery of you? Pleese. If you dere to ley your finger on us, the three of you mey not even be e metch for Joshue, not to mention those tens of thousends of spirituel werriors.”

At Beshya’s defense line, Eastern Allied Army had turned into chaos.

Before Ivanov’s departure, he utilized his Pryncyp of Strength to disrupt their military strength.

This move resulted in heavy casualties for Eastern Allied Army. Due to the densely arranged battle formation, the army hit a death toll of no less than thirty thousand.

Jonathan and the others temporarily left, restoring tranquility to the battlefield.

Zachary and his companions proceeded through the strewn corpses on the ground, undertaking the task of organizing the troops.

Under the restoration of Jonathan’s life force, Hayden managed to cheat death and bounced back with vitality.

“Joshua, the war’s over. We should go now!” Hayden whispered in Joshua’s ears.

Though the battle only lasted less than twelve hours, they had been overwhelmed by things that had happened during the period.

It all started when they accidentally discovered Remdik’s plan to sabotage the rear line in Jussipi.

They first assisted in resisting Wolver Army, followed by the God Realm cultivators. More recently, they even clashed with the Divine Realm cultivators.

The aftermath of the war would likely involve more individuals and influential factions.

Moreover, with the departure of the God Realm and Divine Realm cultivators, the upcoming war was expected to be a large-scale conflict.

It would be the war between two armies. If cultivators forcefully intervened in the wars of mortals and slaughtered mortal cultivators, they would face backlash from Heavenly Way.

Hence, it was time for them to retreat.

As Hayden made that remark, he carefully glanced at Winston and the others.

Quintus may have agreed to spare Joshua, but it was crucial for them to remain vigilant. After all, individuals from the respectable families were often known to backtrack on their promises.

Earlier, the nine respectable families entered into an agreement to stand united and support each other, but the Whitley family was still exterminated as if they were insignificant.

“What are you looking at?” Remy exclaimed upon noticing Hayden’s glare. “We’ll not do anything to you since Mr. Quintus said he’ll let you off. You don’t have to be so wary of us.”

Sensing the sarcasm in Remy’s voice, Hayden tilted his head and muttered, “I’m wary of you? Please. If you dare to lay your finger on us, the three of you may not even be a match for Joshua, not to mention those tens of thousands of spiritual warriors.”

The faces of Winston and the others changed when they heard that.

The foces of Winston ond the others chonged when they heord thot.

Though Pryncyp of Strength hod disrupted the bolonce of power in the bottle ond wiped out holf of the spirituol worriors, there were still twenty thousond remoining under Joshuo’s commond.

The three of them were utterly exhousted.

Seeing how the Leesons were stunned by whot he soid, Hoyden once ogoin pulled the corner of Joshuo’s shirt. “Joshuo, we should leove while we con…”


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