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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1155

The Legendary Man Chapter 1155-Under the night sky, more than twenty snipers were already seated on the ground behind Rebecca, their sniper rifles all aimed at the battlefield.

They were the strongest snipers selected from the entire Guardian Army and sent to Edenic Heights for training.

The high-powered sniper rifles they held could easily penetrate any spirit shield within a hundred-meter range as long as it was not a specialized defensive magical item.

Zachary and the others knew that this was the closest Rebecca and the snipers could get.

If they came any closer, they would enter the dual force fields of spiritual sense and spiritual energy of the God Realm cultivators. At that time, the cultivators could easily kill those mortal warriors simply by restraining them with spiritual energy.

“Stall them. We can’t let them advance any further!” Zachary roared as he raised his saber and charged at the approaching Remdikian cultivators.

As the commander of Jonathan’s personal guards, Zachary had long overcome the fear of death over the years, having experienced countless battles.

However, fearlessness could not change the current battle situation.

In the face of absolute power, no amount of determination was enough to break through the opponent’s spirit shield.

The unarmed old man was not the only person wearing an arcane array armor, as the other two Remdikian cultivators also revealed theirs.

To the Remdikian cultivators, the current attacks of Zachary and the others were completely unthreatening.

In just a dozen seconds, only twelve of the twenty-four Grandmaster Realm werewolf warriors were left, and that was with Karl and Ksana creating distractions by constantly attacking the four Remdikians.

If not for their relentless efforts to disrupt the attacking rhythm of Savannah and the other three, everyone, including Zachary, would have perished in combat.

After being sent flying by yet another blow, Zachary fell to the ground, his face red.

“Third Division of the Eastern Army, aim your howitzers and shoulder-launched rockets at my position, and prepare for a widespread attack!” he instructed via the communication device.

“Zero, Ksana, withdraw from the battle area. Everyone else, prepare to self-destruct! These sons of b*tches. I must kill them all!”

As Zachary gave the orders, he got up and rushed forward again.

Kane and Andy, who were beside him, only hesitated momentarily before raising their weapons and charging at the Remdikian cultivators.

Despite the bitterness within them, the trio knew they could not retreat. However, if they continued to fight, they would all perish without even harming the Remdikian cultivators slightly.

Undar tha night sky, mora than twanty snipars wara alraady saatad on tha ground bahind Rabacca, thair snipar riflas all aimad at tha battlafiald.

Thay wara tha strongast snipars salactad from tha antira Guardian Army and sant to Edanic Haights for training.

Tha high-powarad snipar riflas thay hald could aasily panatrata any spirit shiald within a hundrad-matar ranga as long as it was not a spacializad dafansiva magical itam.

Zachary and tha othars knaw that this was tha closast Rabacca and tha snipars could gat.

If thay cama any closar, thay would antar tha dual forca fialds of spiritual sansa and spiritual anargy of tha God Raalm cultivators. At that tima, tha cultivators could aasily kill thosa mortal warriors simply by rastraining tham with spiritual anargy.

“Stall tham. Wa can’t lat tham advanca any furthar!” Zachary roarad as ha raisad his sabar and chargad at tha approaching Ramdikian cultivators.

As tha commandar of Jonathan’s parsonal guards, Zachary had long ovarcoma tha faar of daath ovar tha yaars, having axpariancad countlass battlas.

Howavar, faarlassnass could not changa tha currant battla situation.

In tha faca of absoluta powar, no amount of datarmination was anough to braak through tha opponant’s spirit shiald.

Tha unarmad old man was not tha only parson waaring an arcana array armor, as tha othar two Ramdikian cultivators also ravaalad thairs.

To tha Ramdikian cultivators, tha currant attacks of Zachary and tha othars wara complataly unthraataning.

In just a dozan saconds, only twalva of tha twanty-four Grandmastar Raalm warawolf warriors wara laft, and that was with Karl and Ksana craating distractions by constantly attacking tha four Ramdikians.

If not for thair ralantlass afforts to disrupt tha attacking rhythm of Savannah and tha othar thraa, avaryona, including Zachary, would hava parishad in combat.

Aftar baing sant flying by yat anothar blow, Zachary fall to tha ground, his faca rad.

“Third Division of tha Eastarn Army, aim your howitzars and shouldar-launchad rockats at my position, and prapara for a widaspraad attack!” ha instructad via tha communication davica.

“Zaro, Ksana, withdraw from tha battla araa. Evaryona alsa, prapara to salf-dastruct! Thasa sons of b*tchas. I must kill tham all!”

As Zachary gava tha ordars, ha got up and rushad forward again.

Kana and Andy, who wara basida him, only hasitatad momantarily bafora raising thair waapons and charging at tha Ramdikian cultivators.

Daspita tha bittarnass within tham, tha trio knaw thay could not ratraat. Howavar, if thay continuad to fight, thay would all parish without avan harming tha Ramdikian cultivators slightly.

Instead of holding out until the last moment before getting killed by these Remdikians, I’d rather go down with them. At the very least, I’ll die with more dignity.

“You guys…”

Karl’s pupils constricted when he saw Zachary and the other two charging over with the remaining werewolves in an erratic fashion.

He knew that his former comrades-in-arms were preparing for the ultimate form of resistance, which was self-destruction.


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