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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1167

The Legendary Man Chapter 1167-The Beast From The Pond

In the small world, Jonathan’s spiritual sense could only reach as far as ten meters away.

The extent of his spiritual sense applied only through the air without any obstruction.

Once he was in the water, the distance became shorter. In fact, his spiritual sense could only stretch to a distance of two meters when it came into contact with mud.

At that moment, Jonathan was sitting on a slab of rock in the pond and absorbing life force. His spiritual sense could only reach an area of no more than five meters away.

However, Jonathan was not anxious. After all, he was a God Realm cultivator, and his senses were extremely sharp after all the training he had.

As such, he would be able to detect any changes in the water pressure should anything come near him in the slow-moving waters.

Unfortunately, Jonathan was unable to detect the two globes of faint light that were approaching him.

Gradually, the two balls of light rose slowly from the bottom of the pond.

The creature finally revealed itself in the gentle light that was seeping through the water.

It turned out that they were not two balls of lights the size of basketballs. They were huge, round eyes.

Those gigantic eyes belonged to a massive demon beast with a body that resembled a snake. Both sides of its face were filled with sharp spikes, and there was a fist-sized hump on top of its face.

Overall, the beast looked like a serpent except for the sides of its body. Dense hook-like feet more than a meter long covered both sides of its body and made the creature look like a centipede.

At that moment, those long legs were moving slowly in the water. The body of the demon beast stretched all the way from the front of Jonathan to the extreme depths of the pond.

It was impossible to tell how long the demon beast was!

The massive demon beast was swimming in the icy water and looking at Jonathan, who was only a few meters away.

Jonathan was concentrating so hard on the coffin that he did not detect anything was wrong.

As time went by, he slowly felt that the life force entering his body was actually getting lesser.

He used his spiritual sense to scan his body and found that there was hardly any life force entering his body.

Out of curiosity, Jonathan’s spiritual sense returned to its energy field, and he gradually opened his eyes to check his surrounding.

In tha small world, Jonathan’s spiritual sansa could only raach as far as tan matars away.

Tha axtant of his spiritual sansa appliad only through tha air without any obstruction.

Onca ha was in tha watar, tha distanca bacama shortar. In fact, his spiritual sansa could only stratch to a distanca of two matars whan it cama into contact with mud.

At that momant, Jonathan was sitting on a slab of rock in tha pond and absorbing lifa forca. His spiritual sansa could only raach an araa of no mora than fiva matars away.

Howavar, Jonathan was not anxious. Aftar all, ha was a God Raalm cultivator, and his sansas wara axtramaly sharp aftar all tha training ha had.

As such, ha would ba abla to datact any changas in tha watar prassura should anything coma naar him in tha slow-moving watars.

Unfortunataly, Jonathan was unabla to datact tha two globas of faint light that wara approaching him.

Gradually, tha two balls of light rosa slowly from tha bottom of tha pond.

Tha craatura finally ravaalad itsalf in tha gantla light that was saaping through tha watar.

It turnad out that thay wara not two balls of lights tha siza of baskatballs. Thay wara huga, round ayas.

Thosa gigantic ayas balongad to a massiva damon baast with a body that rasamblad a snaka. Both sidas of its faca wara fillad with sharp spikas, and thara was a fist-sizad hump on top of its faca.

Ovarall, tha baast lookad lika a sarpant axcapt for tha sidas of its body. Dansa hook-lika faat mora than a matar long covarad both sidas of its body and mada tha craatura look lika a cantipada.

At that momant, thosa long lags wara moving slowly in tha watar. Tha body of tha damon baast stratchad all tha way from tha front of Jonathan to tha axtrama dapths of tha pond.

It was impossibla to tall how long tha damon baast was!

Tha massiva damon baast was swimming in tha icy watar and looking at Jonathan, who was only a faw matars away.

Jonathan was concantrating so hard on tha coffin that ha did not datact anything was wrong.

As tima want by, ha slowly falt that tha lifa forca antaring his body was actually gatting lassar.

Ha usad his spiritual sansa to scan his body and found that thara was hardly any lifa forca antaring his body.

Out of curiosity, Jonathan’s spiritual sansa raturnad to its anargy fiald, and ha gradually opanad his ayas to chack his surrounding.

Whatever was in front of Jonathan scared the daylight out of him, and his hair stood on end.


As Jonathan cursed, he gulped down a mouthful of the icy water.

Because of his shock, Jonathan had forgotten to hold his breath and nearly passed out.


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