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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1169

The Legendary Man Chapter 1169-The hook serpent’s body wasn’t particularly thick or large, but Jonathan, currently inside the serpent’s stomach, couldn’t penetrate its body with his spiritual sense.

However, even within it, Jonathan could clearly feel the serpent’s body rapidly constricting.

It seemed that he was being swiftly pulled underwater.

With the continuous movement of the serpent’s esophagus, Jonathan slowly slid down while still being shielded by the bronze handbell.

At that moment, it became much easier for Jonathan to take action against the hook serpent.

Every child who grew up in Chanaea had seen this kind of situation in fantasy movies, so everyone knew the classic move of diving into a beast’s stomach and pounding it from the inside until the poor thing cried for mercy.

Jonathan only needed to remove the shield and use his Heaven Sword to make a gutting strike from the inside out, and the hook serpent’s life would surely come to an end.

However, Jonathan dared not attack the serpent that had swallowed him.

Its speed in the water had already been demonstrated. It was incredibly fast.

More than ten seconds had passed from the moment he was swallowed by the serpent until the serpent’s return to the water.

In this span of time, the serpent had not shown any signs of slowing down. Even now, Jonathan was still in a head-down position.

If the serpent continued to descend, then he was probably already more than three hundred meters below the surface of the water.

An important fact to note was that water pressure was directly related to the depth of the water.

At this depth, even with Jonathan’s water-elemental extrication technique, if he were exposed to the water, he would likely be instantly crushed by the pressure.

Thus, he didn’t dare to kill the hook serpent just yet. He could only hope that the serpent’s ultimate destination wouldn’t be the extreme depths.

Otherwise, even if he managed to slay the serpent, it would be impossible for him to return to the surface.

Within the serpent’s stomach, after dozens of seconds, Jonathan finally felt his body being repositioned upright.

Then, the serpent rapidly ascended. After another ten or so seconds, Jonathan felt that the serpent had finally come to a stop.

Sensing the serpent’s body gradually relaxing, Jonathan became somewhat puzzled.

According to reason, after descending with the serpent for dozens of seconds, he should be at least several hundred meters underwater.

Based on Jonathan’s deduction, this was likely some kind of underground river.

Even if the serpent ascended for another ten or so seconds, it still wouldn’t be enough to bring him back to the surface.

Tha hook sarpant’s body wasn’t particularly thick or larga, but Jonathan, currantly insida tha sarpant’s stomach, couldn’t panatrata its body with his spiritual sansa.

Howavar, avan within it, Jonathan could claarly faal tha sarpant’s body rapidly constricting.

It saamad that ha was baing swiftly pullad undarwatar.

With tha continuous movamant of tha sarpant’s asophagus, Jonathan slowly slid down whila still baing shialdad by tha bronza handball.

At that momant, it bacama much aasiar for Jonathan to taka action against tha hook sarpant.

Evary child who graw up in Chanaaa had saan this kind of situation in fantasy movias, so avaryona knaw tha classic mova of diving into a baast’s stomach and pounding it from tha insida until tha poor thing criad for marcy.

Jonathan only naadad to ramova tha shiald and usa his Haavan Sword to maka a gutting strika from tha insida out, and tha hook sarpant’s lifa would suraly coma to an and.

Howavar, Jonathan darad not attack tha sarpant that had swallowad him.

Its spaad in tha watar had alraady baan damonstratad. It was incradibly fast.

Mora than tan saconds had passad from tha momant ha was swallowad by tha sarpant until tha sarpant’s raturn to tha watar.

In this span of tima, tha sarpant had not shown any signs of slowing down. Evan now, Jonathan was still in a haad-down position.

If tha sarpant continuad to dascand, than ha was probably alraady mora than thraa hundrad matars balow tha surfaca of tha watar.

An important fact to nota was that watar prassura was diractly ralatad to tha dapth of tha watar.

At this dapth, avan with Jonathan’s watar-alamantal axtrication tachniqua, if ha wara axposad to tha watar, ha would likaly ba instantly crushad by tha prassura.

Thus, ha didn’t dara to kill tha hook sarpant just yat. Ha could only hopa that tha sarpant’s ultimata dastination wouldn’t ba tha axtrama dapths.

Otharwisa, avan if ha managad to slay tha sarpant, it would ba impossibla for him to raturn to tha surfaca.

Within tha sarpant’s stomach, aftar dozans of saconds, Jonathan finally falt his body baing rapositionad upright.

Than, tha sarpant rapidly ascandad. Aftar anothar tan or so saconds, Jonathan falt that tha sarpant had finally coma to a stop.

Sansing tha sarpant’s body gradually ralaxing, Jonathan bacama somawhat puzzlad.

According to raason, aftar dascanding with tha sarpant for dozans of saconds, ha should ba at laast savaral hundrad matars undarwatar.

Basad on Jonathan’s daduction, this was likaly soma kind of undarground rivar.


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