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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1195

Jonathan watched the kneeling villagers around him with a frown.

If the chaos portal was located where he guessed it was—at Yannopolis—then the only way he could leave this place was to enter the city.

Furthermore, with Mountain Village’s current state and the impression he got about Yannopolis’ chief from the envoy, it seemed like the only way outsiders like them could enter Yannopolis was to fight their way there.

If a battle were to break out, the chances of them losing were high, for they had less than two hundred people.

What Seboxia was doing was formulating his backup plan.

If the oppressed villagers of the hundred and eight villages in the small world could become God Realm cultivators, then they would have over a million God Realm cultivators. Not even valkyries would pose a problem for them, let alone Yannopolis.

They had entered the village together, but Seboxia had turned into the villagers’ spiritual leader in the blink of an eye. It seemed ridiculous to Jonathan.

Seeing the way Seboxia was preaching Seboxiasm, Jonathan scoffed and walked over to Yannopolis’ envoy.

“Say, mister. Still trying to escape?” Jonathan muttered before snatching a small bag from the other cultivator. “Oh my. You even have a storage bag here. What a rare thing to come across.”

As he held the storage bag with one hand, he forcibly dispersed the spiritual sense on it before reaching in to scour through the bag.

In the next second, Jonathan widened his eyes.

As it turned out, the average-looking storage bag had another three storage rings in it.

A storage magical item like storage rings could not be kept within another storage magical item due to the limits of arcane arrays.

Previously, when Jonathan was still at Remdik’s Eastern War Zone, he had obtained an emerald badge belt that a Team Alpha member had hidden on their waist after killing Antoine.

Every emerald on that belt was a gigantic storage space that contained ten storage rings each.

In his cultivation journey thus far, Jonathan had only encountered a special storage magical item like that once.

After that, Jonathan had dismantled the emerald badges and distributed them to various warzones to be used as strategic magical items.

Although magical items like those bore neither offensive nor defensive capabilities, they were excellent utility items.

A good example of its use would be in the River Onxy’s battle.

If they had done their logistics transportation the traditional way, their transportation route would have been exposed to Remdik’s satellites, and they would have been at a high risk of getting struck by Remdik’s missiles due to the long distance between Harfush and Doveston.

However, with the storage magical items Jonathan had gained, Asura’s Office’s members only needed to put the required resources in them and take a flight to their destination.

Even if they encountered bad weather or were heading toward places where no vehicles could reach, cultivators could continue bringing the resources in that storage magical item toward their destination.

It was an extremely efficient way to transport their resources.

A while back, Jonathan had been stumped about how he could promote these items on a large scale.

To his surprise, he was now bumping into another magical item of a similar caliber.

“Hey, where did you get this from?”

By then, the envoy’s face was ashen, for his spiritual sense was damaged.

“It’s easy to get. Every envoy in the Outer City has one. If you want one, I can get it for you as long as you let me go. I’ll get anything for you as long as you let me leave!”

As Jonathan listened to the envoy’s pleas, he hung the storage bag by his waist.

“Didn’t you find outsiders a while back? Where are they?”

“At Upriver Village!” the envoy blurted out, not daring to keep anything from Jonathan. “There were two. I stripped one of them. The other escaped, and the rest of the envoys are going after the escapee.”


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