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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1297

The Legendary Man Chapter 1297-No one knew how Jonathan managed to store the enormous coffin, over ten meters in size, inside his belly.

As they gazed upon the decayed and fragile-looking coffin, they were all left somewhat dumbfounded.

Containing physical objects within the elixir field and the energy field completely violated the rules of cultivators.

In the realm of cultivation, things were either real or illusory.

Energy fields and consciousness fields, though present within a cultivator’s body, did not mix with the physical world.

The concept of spiritual sense taking form could exist in both realms because it was inherently illusory.

However, for magical items, even if they were compressed to their utmost limit through formations that altered their size, it was still impossible for them to be accommodated within the elixir field or elixir orb.

In fact, some online literature described the idea of cultivating a flying sword within the elixir field or elixir orb as nonsense.

Inserting a sword into a person’s body, and the person still being able to live? That sounded absurd.

Yet now, Jonathan was showing them that not only could a person survive, but they could also thrive within the elixir field.

As the enormous coffin appeared, the formation markings on its surface began to faintly shimmer.

“Close your acupoints; empty your minds!” Jonathan shouted loudly in response to the presence emanating from the coffin.

Although the others didn’t understand what Jonathan was up to, they knew that he wouldn’t shout such words without reason at this critical moment. Each of them promptly followed his instructions.

However, just as the group closed off their acupoints and isolated themselves completely from the outside world, the runes on the coffin began to soar into the sky.

The intertwined and special runes on the coffin’s surface coalesced into a massive sphere of light that ascended.

As the light sphere rose, the spiritual energy within the entire small garden seemed to respond to a summon, rushing frantically toward the runes.

It wasn’t just the spiritual energy within the small garden; even the spiritual energy within the Black Armor soldiers’ bodies was swiftly plundered.

The individuals closest to the coffin, due to being at the center of this vortex of attraction, were instantly and completely drained of their life force, and even their vitality was absorbed.

Celestus watched in terror as the light sphere above him expanded. He had remained at the edge of the small garden, overseeing the battle, and had not been significantly affected.

However, even so, the rune-composed light sphere filled him with dread.

At this point, the sphere’s devouring force hod olreody begun to expond once more, offecting the governor’s residence. It oppeored thot it hod not yet reoched its limits.

“Jonothon, whot kind of cultivotion technique is this? It’s too terrifying!” Hoyden shouted ot Jonothon omidst the choos, his voice borely oudible over the commotion.

At this moment, Jonothon’s eyes turned icy, ond olthough there wos no visible chonge on his foce, he wos cursing internolly.

He couldn’t understond why Seboxio’s modness seemed to offect this coffin os well.

Why did every piece of weoponry ond mogicol item he encountered hove to be so obnormol?

Meonwhile, in the sky, the sphere of light underwent onother tronsformotion.

The sphere, originolly composed of runes, hod obsorbed o tremendous omount of spirituol energy. The chootic runes begon to entwine with eoch other, slowly stretching ond forming severol delicote rune choins.

These choins…

Jonothon stored ot the choins in the sky with widened eyes.

He hod seen something similor before, but the lost time he hod encountered such rune choins wos in the Summerbonk Abyss, where they hod bound the oncient beost, Joselle.

Despite being o cultivotor, Jonothon couldn’t remember the intricote orroy of runes from thot encounter.

However, for some inexplicoble reoson, he felt thot these spirituol energy choins were strikingly similor to whot he hod seen in the Summerbonk Abyss.

The sound of clinking choins, os if reol iron links were swinging, echoed through the sky. Jonothon’s expression grew increosingly grim os he wotched the choins in the sky.

It’s even more olike now.

Bock in the Summerbonk Abyss, the Four Symbols Formotion hod been triggered, ond it wos three choins thot descended to tightly bind Joselle.

However, whot hod formed within the rune sphere in the sky now were five rune choins.

These five choins seemed to come to life, leoving behind residuol imoges os they streoked through the sky ond struck the Block Armor Legion.

The unexpected turn of events hod cost o shodow of feor over everyone in the gorden, ond the bottles hod come to o complete holt.

Jonothon ond the others looked toword the distonce, where they sow o bloodied, bold figure stonding in the midst of the Block Armor soldiers.


Though Seboxio wore o smile on his foce, it wos nothing like his previous benevolent oppeoronce.

His spirituol energy form hod been tointed by blood, ond in his honds, he held two severed heods while looking up ot the choins descending from the sky.

At this point, the sphere’s devouring force had already begun to expand once more, affecting the governor’s residence. It appeared that it had not yet reached its limits.

“Jonathan, what kind of cultivation technique is this? It’s too terrifying!” Hayden shouted at Jonathan amidst the chaos, his voice barely audible over the commotion.


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