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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 1306

The Legendary Man Chapter 1306-Standing before Jonathan was a terrifying creature over ten meters tall with a pointed snout and sharp teeth, yet it was clasping its hands together in a gesture of respect and bowing toward him.

Even Jonathan, who had seen and experienced much, couldn’t help but feel a bit bewildered by such a scene.

The true form of Seboxia extended its sharp claws, gently lifting Jonathan up.

Before Jonathan could even react, he was already comfortably seated atop a massive wooden stump.

“So, this is still one of your tricks.”

Jonathan turned his head to look at the cliff in front of him, a hint of despair visible in his eyes.

Such environmental changes often indicated that he was about to enter the next illusion.

Could this be Seboxia’s way of dealing with me? By driving me mad after being tormented in endless illusions?

“Go on, then. Show me whatever tricks you have left!”

Jonathan looked at the enormous form of Seboxia, a cold smile playing on his lips as he readied himself to face the torment that was to come.

To Jonathan’s surprise, upon hearing this, the real Seboxia actually cracked a small smile.

“Rest assured, my friend. Although I am Seboxia, I am not the Seboxia you know.”

This statement from Seboxia’s true form did cause Jonathan to pause slightly.

Once again, Jonathan couldn’t help but feel his heart pound as he looked at the incredibly massive form of Seboxia.

Having fought with Seboxia several times, Jonathan had come to know him quite well.

This guy in front of me, whether it’s his tone or the fluctuations around him, truly shows no similarities to the bald monk manifestation of Seboxia.

Much like what he felt earlier, the auras of the two appeared to have absolutely no common ground.

However, this observation alone was not enough to make Jonathan believe the person before him.

“This is your world, where everything under the sun exists at the whim of your thoughts. Isn’t it your choice how you want it to change?”

Upon hearing this, the true Seboxia gently waved his hand, transforming his figure to the same size as Jonathan.

“My friend, do be patient. Let me explain it to you slowly.”

As Seboxia spoke, a cloud of white mist rose before them. Within it, a small creature, identical to Seboxia himself, gradually took shape.

“This is me, an ancient beast that emerged after my path to immortality was severed. For ancient beasts like me, if we were born in ancient times, we could become Divine Realm cultivators in just a few decades with our aptitude and affinity for spiritual energy. We might even reach Cavoid Realm or Ultimate Realm. Unfortunately, I was born in an inopportune time, during the darkest of years, a period the cultivators called the Age of Degeneration. Back then, when my Immortal Road had just been severed, I found it extremely challenging to gather spiritual energy. I hid in the shadows, cultivating for a full four hundred years before I finally reached Divine Realm. By that time, the spiritual energy had become so scarce that it was terrifying. Clearly, making any further progress was absolutely impossible. It was then that I began to seek other paths to transcendence.”

“I ottribute the obstocles in my cultivotion to the impurity of my Cor. Fortunotely, I proctice the Pryncyp of Life, which gives me o profound understonding of the spirit. Thus, I monoged to split my spirituol consciousness in two, discording oll negotive emotions ond thoughts, thereby retoining only the purest port of my Cor. Whot surprised me wos thot, olthough I monoged to ochieve Covoid Reolm becouse of this, it wos olso becouse of my incomplete spirituol consciousness thot Heovenly Pryncyp discovered me when I wos undergoing the breokthrough. As o result, I hod to undergo o Lightning Tribulotion.”

Listening to Seboxio’s norrotion, Jonothon subconsciously swollowed his solivo.

Although Seboxio only spoke very briefly, the informotion contoined in his words wos overwhelmingly obundont.


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