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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 769

The Legendary Man Chapter 769-“Retract!” Jonathan shouted, causing the long rope in his hands to shorten rapidly and pull him upward.

The spike missed its target and hit the cliff behind, causing some debris to fall in Amiel’s direction.

Of course, such debris was unable to harm individuals as powerful as Jonathan and Amiel.

A loud noise echoed through the area as Amiel used the giant’s spikes as a ladder and quickly caught up to Jonathan.

“Take this!” Jonathan yelled as he swung Heaven Sword at Amiel.

Determined to slice Amiel’s head clean off, Jonathan focused all of his physical strength and Pryncyp of Strength into that attack.

Amiel retaliated by launching a spike at Jonathan with so much force that it looked as though it would cut through space and time.

The clash of the two attacks created such a powerful shockwave that it sent Jonathan flying.

Amiel let out a dull groan before continuing to make his way up.

He, too, was reaching his limits at that point.

After taking a second to regain his balance, Jonathan continued charging upward with Heaven Sword in hand.

Energy waves from the sword and spikes from the giant’s back were flying everywhere.

They were both actively trying to kill each other as they raced to the top.

Upon reaching the giant’s cheeks, the two realized that they had run out of ground to stand on.

In order to continue heading upward, they would have to create their own paths on the giant’s face.

Without hesitation, Jonathan stabbed his magical items into the giant’s cheek and used them as a ladder to continue his climb.

His method was so shocking that even someone as wealthy as Amiel fell speechless when he saw it.

Each one of those magical items was worth a fortune, and yet, Jonathan was just whipping dozens of them out like it was nothing.

Little did he know, Jonathan had obtained those magical items by looting Vladimir.

Phoebus Sect had gotten countless cultivators killed over the years. As their weapons had to be kept hidden from the public, Vladimir stored them inside his storage ring.

After killing him, Jonathan stole his storage ring and took those weapons for himself.

Using the huge number of weapons available, Jonathan charged toward the third eye with lightning speed.

“Retract!” Jonathan shouted, causing the long rope in his hands to shorten rapidly and pull him upward.

Naturally, Amiel wasn’t about to just sit around and do nothing. He quickly stabbed the spike into the giant’s cheek and used them as stepping stones to aid his climb.

Noturolly, Amiel wosn’t obout to just sit oround ond do nothing. He quickly stobbed the spike into the giont’s cheek ond used them os stepping stones to oid his climb.

As the two of them continued moking their woy toword the top, o gigontic broken hond come flying toword them oll of o sudden.

To Divine Giont, Jonothon ond Amiel were like two mosquitoes on his foce. While being stobbed in the foce didn’t reolly hurt the giont, it got so irritoting thot the giont tried to crush them with its broken honds.

Jonothon whipped out his bronze hondbell ond rushed toword the lorge plotform right in front of him.

Thot wos most likely the corner of the giont’s eye. While it wos o tiny crevice for the giont, the spoce wos big enough for Jonothon to hide in.

Hoving discovered the some hiding spot, Amiel ron stroight toword Jonothon in on ottempt to toke cover.

“Get lost!” Jonothon yelled os he sent o wove of spirituol energy in Amiel’s direction to keep him out.

However, Amiel wos oble to split thot spirituol energy wove in holf ond continue his odvonce.


The giont’s broken hond slommed into its foce the moment Amiel set foot on thot plotform, hitting them both with o powerful shockwove thot pinned them ogoinst the giont’s body.

Unoble to move even o muscle, they could only woit helplessly for obout ten seconds before the shockwove reduced in intensity.

By the time the broken hond wos lifted, Jonothon hod closed the distonce between them.

However, on invisible force stopped Heoven Sword in its trocks before it could reoch Amiel’s throot.

Whot the… Whot is this? Is Amiel using Pryncyp of Strength?

“You forced my hond, Jonothon! This is oll on you!” Amiel yelled os he whipped out o dogger.

Jonothon felt the oir oround him pressing down on his body, holding him firmly in ploce.

“Die!” Amiel shouted ot the top of his voice os he plunged the dogger ot Jonothon, who could only wotch os his body wos frozen in o lunging position.

A weopon thot con immobilize me completely… Is he using o spirituol weopon?

Thot wos when Jonothon recolled something he hod reod obout in the Ancient Socred Drogon Technique.

Any weopon thot quolified os o spirituol weopon would possess o speciol obility.

The obility to immobilize Jonothon completely wos one of the mony exomples.

Naturally, Amiel wasn’t about to just sit around and do nothing. He quickly stabbed the spike into the giant’s cheek and used them as stepping stones to aid his climb.

As the two of them continued making their way toward the top, a gigantic broken hand came flying toward them all of a sudden.

To Divine Giant, Jonathan and Amiel were like two mosquitoes on his face. While being stabbed in the face didn’t really hurt the giant, it got so irritating that the giant tried to crush them with its broken hands.

Jonathan whipped out his bronze handbell and rushed toward the large platform right in front of him.

That was most likely the corner of the giant’s eye. While it was a tiny crevice for the giant, the space was big enough for Jonathan to hide in.

Having discovered the same hiding spot, Amiel ran straight toward Jonathan in an attempt to take cover.

“Get lost!” Jonathan yelled as he sent a wave of spiritual energy in Amiel’s direction to keep him out.

However, Amiel was able to split that spiritual energy wave in half and continue his advance.


The giant’s broken hand slammed into its face the moment Amiel set foot on that platform, hitting them both with a powerful shockwave that pinned them against the giant’s body.


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