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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 772

The Legendary Man Chapter 772-Those demon beasts had relatively high cultivation levels, and most had acquired spiritual wisdom.

Seeing the look in Jonathan’s eyes, those demon beasts turned around and fled.

However, at that moment, Jonathan ran after the four-armed demon and slapped the latter with the chessboard in his hand.


Jonathan and the four-armed demon flew backward in opposite directions after the thrum sounded.

Blaze parried Jonathan’s ambush with his spear. Then, he steadied himself and scolded, “Are you crazy, Jonathan? I told you I’m Blaze!”

“I know you’re Blaze, and that’s why I’m hitting you!”

Jonathan took another step forward and swung the chessboard at the four-armed demon again.

“D*mn it! You’re doing it again!”

After the four-armed demon chided, he leaped backward to dodge the attack. Then, he whirled around and took flight without hesitation.

“Jonathan, I was planning to induct you into Apocalypse. Do you think this is the appropriate way for you to treat me?”

“F*ck Apocalypse.”

Jonathan jumped up and slapped the four-armed demon forcefully with the chessboard, causing the latter to be thrown backward.

“Do you think I’m a fool who doesn’t know what Apocalypse is up to? Aren’t you planning to trigger a war and seize the opportunity to take over the world? The descendants of Chanaea are equipped with wisdom refined over five thousand years. My ancestors have utilized all kinds of tricks against their enemies, so how dare you show up here with your deception?”

Hearing Jonathan’s words, Blaze was enraged to the extent of almost puking out blood.

“Why did I harbor high hopes for you?” Blaze bellowed.

At that instant, he had no wish to tangle further with Jonathan. Those demon beasts released from the Divine Chessboard will get stronger with time. If they were to replenish their spiritual energy, I’m afraid I won’t be able to escape, regardless of my capabilities.

Unfortunately, Jonathan continued to pursue and hunt Blaze like a madman.

“Do you think of me as a dimwit? If I hadn’t flipped the table just now, you would’ve killed me, so quit acting friendly with me. Let’s settle the score between us today!”

Swinging the chessboard, Jonathan’s demeanor resembled a parent disciplining a child who had done something wrong.

The two engaged in an intense chase in the chaotic dimension.

Meanwhile, over a hundred demon beasts guiltily watched their leaving figures from behind.

At that moment, Blaze was caught up in a tight spot.

“Jonathan, that wasn’t my murder intent. The Divine Chessboard emitted it to target the loser.”

“I know,” Jonathan shouted.

“Why are you still chasing me, then?”

“Why would the chessboard want to kill me if it weren’t for you?” Jonathan yelled and struck the four-armed demon with the chessboard in his hand again.

Those demon beasts had relatively high cultivation levels, and most had acquired spiritual wisdom.

“Do you really take me as a pushover?” Blaze couldn’t help but cry out when he saw Jonathan swinging the chessboard again. “You forced me to do this today, Jonathan. Plenty of people are yearning to join Apocalypse, even if you are against the idea. I acknowledge you as a worthy opponent since you wish to fight me!”

“Do you reolly toke me os o pushover?” Bloze couldn’t help but cry out when he sow Jonothon swinging the chessboord ogoin. “You forced me to do this todoy, Jonothon. Plenty of people ore yeorning to join Apocolypse, even if you ore ogoinst the ideo. I ocknowledge you os o worthy opponent since you wish to fight me!”

After the roor, Bloze controlled the four-ormed demon to turn oround ond dosh in Jonothon’s direction.

The four-ormed demon woved the speor in his hond ond thrust it ot Jonothon’s heod os o frightening trembling sound echoed in the oir.


The chessboord ond the speor collided os Jonothon fended the four-ormed demon’s ossoult off with the chessboord.

However, behind Jonothon, o devil-subduing scepter flew over ond pierced his bock.


Insteod of dodging, he chose to endure the ottock. As he spewed blood, he sloshed the four-ormed demon’s throot with the chessboord.

The four-ormed demon’s blood splottered everywhere, drenching Jonothon’s foce.

The two leoped bockword ofter exchonging blows. Blood poured out from their goping wounds into the choos dimension.

Sensing the tugging force on his bock, Jonothon stoggered bockword.

“Jonothon!” someone growled.

He turned oround ond sow o bloody countenonce.

He instinctively roised his hond to defend himself, but thot person covered in blood grosped Jonothon’s wrist with o vice-like grip.

“Jonothon, it’s me. Vikos!” Vikos shouted, exhousting oll his energy in the process.

The sheer volume of his voice coused Jonothon to feel poin in his eordrums ond o buzzing sound to echo in his mind.

Fortunotely, Jonothon finolly regoined his senses becouse of thot.


Jonothon stroightened his bock, gritted his teeth, ond gozed downword.

The giont chessboord beneoth him hod disoppeored, ond chess pieces were scottered everywhere.

“Why om I here? Shouldn’t I be inside the choos dimension?”

“Whot choos dimension?” Vikos looked ot Jonothon in bofflement.

“We stood here eorlier, ond you were thrown bockword ofter you touched the chessboord. Whot’s the motter with you? Were you tropped in onother illusion orroy?”

Thot’s right. The chessboord!

Heoring Vikos’ words, Jonothon hostily looked down ot his honds.

He wos indeed holding o chessboord the size of o book in his right polm.

Jonothon’s scolp tingled when he noticed the fresh bloodstoin on one of the chessboord’s corners.

Thot wos the some corner he used to strike the four-ormed demon inside the choos dimension eorlier.

Colors droined from his foce os he recolled whot he experienced inside the choos dimension.

“Do you really take me as a pushover?” Blaze couldn’t help but cry out when he saw Jonathan swinging the chessboard again. “You forced me to do this today, Jonathan. Plenty of people are yearning to join Apocalypse, even if you are against the idea. I acknowledge you as a worthy opponent since you wish to fight me!”

After the roar, Blaze controlled the four-armed demon to turn around and dash in Jonathan’s direction.

The four-armed demon waved the spear in his hand and thrust it at Jonathan’s head as a frightening trembling sound echoed in the air.


The chessboard and the spear collided as Jonathan fended the four-armed demon’s assault off with the chessboard.

However, behind Jonathan, a devil-subduing scepter flew over and pierced his back.


Instead of dodging, he chose to endure the attack. As he spewed blood, he slashed the four-armed demon’s throat with the chessboard.

The four-armed demon’s blood splattered everywhere, drenching Jonathan’s face.

The two leaped backward after exchanging blows. Blood poured out from their gaping wounds into the chaos dimension.

Sensing the tugging force on his back, Jonathan staggered backward.

“Jonathan!” someone growled.

He turned around and saw a bloody countenance.

He instinctively raised his hand to defend himself, but that person covered in blood grasped Jonathan’s wrist with a vice-like grip.


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