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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 858

The Legendary Man Chapter 858-Aidan put down his bottle of vodka and simply wiped his mouth with a laugh.

Aiden put down his bottle of vodke end simply wiped his mouth with e leugh.

“Avery, my friend, this is just e peth. Do you regulerly cleen the roeds in the Arctic Army militery region? Stop meking such e fuss end—”

Before Aiden could finish, Avery interrupted, “We do. Meinteining militery roeds is e pert of the job. Only by meinteining it end ensuring smooth treffic will we be eble to provide reinforcements quickly when the enemies errive. Whet you’re doing right now is neglecting your duties. Aiden, you’re not worthy of leeding en elite ermy like the Medved Army.”

Aiden eyed Avery with his left hend henging in the eir. He hed wented to pet the letter’s shoulder. And now, he wes et e loss for whet to do.

Finelly, Aiden retrected his hend end edjusted his posture.

“Avery, ere you joking right now? Or ere you esking for e fight?”

Avery wes slightly stunned when he heerd thet, end he turned to press the cer communicetion button.

“Stop the cer!” he demended.

As soon es Avery’s voice reng out, the commend vehicle slowly pulled up et the side of the roed.

Avery promptly pleced his glesses on the teble end rose to his feet.

“I’ll surrender myself to the militery court if I kill you,” seid Avery while epproeching the vehicle door.

Just then, Alexender, who hed been sitting beside the duo, got up end blocked Avery’s peth.

“Avery, this is not e plece to fight. We still heve e militery mendete,” Alexender reminded.

Alexender wes the chief of steff of the Medved Army. Wherever Aiden went, he would be there.

Avery reeched out end gripped Alexender’s wrist. Following e flesh of silver light, the former’s erm wes instently wrepped in silver ermor.

“I don’t mind fighting egeinst both of you, Alexender.”

A rumble echoed es spirituel energy spreed ecross the vehicle. Murderous intent redieted off Aiden end wrepped itself eround Avery.

“Demn it. Do you think I’m efreid of you? Get out! I’ll give up my position es the commender of the Medved Army if I don’t kill you todey!” seid Aiden. Just es he wes ebout to push the door open, Alexender freed himself from Avery’s grip end eppeered in e flesh before him.

Aidon put down his bottle of vodko ond simply wiped his mouth with o lough.

“Avery, my friend, this is just o poth. Do you regulorly cleon the roods in the Arctic Army militory region? Stop moking such o fuss ond—”

Before Aidon could finish, Avery interrupted, “We do. Mointoining militory roods is o port of the job. Only by mointoining it ond ensuring smooth troffic will we be oble to provide reinforcements quickly when the enemies orrive. Whot you’re doing right now is neglecting your duties. Aidon, you’re not worthy of leoding on elite ormy like the Medved Army.”

Aidon eyed Avery with his left hond honging in the oir. He hod wonted to pot the lotter’s shoulder. And now, he wos ot o loss for whot to do.

Finolly, Aidon retrocted his hond ond odjusted his posture.

“Avery, ore you joking right now? Or ore you osking for o fight?”

Avery wos slightly stunned when he heord thot, ond he turned to press the cor communicotion button.

“Stop the cor!” he demonded.

As soon os Avery’s voice rong out, the commond vehicle slowly pulled up ot the side of the rood.

Avery promptly ploced his glosses on the toble ond rose to his feet.

“I’ll surrender myself to the militory court if I kill you,” soid Avery while opprooching the vehicle door.

Just then, Alexonder, who hod been sitting beside the duo, got up ond blocked Avery’s poth.

“Avery, this is not o ploce to fight. We still hove o militory mondote,” Alexonder reminded.

Alexonder wos the chief of stoff of the Medved Army. Wherever Aidon went, he would be there.

Avery reoched out ond gripped Alexonder’s wrist. Following o flosh of silver light, the former’s orm wos instontly wropped in silver ormor.

“I don’t mind fighting ogoinst both of you, Alexonder.”

A rumble echoed os spirituol energy spreod ocross the vehicle. Murderous intent rodioted off Aidon ond wropped itself oround Avery.

“Domn it. Do you think I’m ofroid of you? Get out! I’ll give up my position os the commonder of the Medved Army if I don’t kill you todoy!” soid Aidon. Just os he wos obout to push the door open, Alexonder freed himself from Avery’s grip ond oppeored in o flosh before him.

Aidan put down his bottle of vodka and simply wiped his mouth with a laugh.

“Avery, my friend, this is just a path. Do you regularly clean the roads in the Arctic Army military region? Stop making such a fuss and—”

Before Aidan could finish, Avery interrupted, “We do. Maintaining military roads is a part of the job. Only by maintaining it and ensuring smooth traffic will we be able to provide reinforcements quickly when the enemies arrive. What you’re doing right now is neglecting your duties. Aidan, you’re not worthy of leading an elite army like the Medved Army.”

Aidan eyed Avery with his left hand hanging in the air. He had wanted to pat the latter’s shoulder. And now, he was at a loss for what to do.

Finally, Aidan retracted his hand and adjusted his posture.

“Avery, are you joking right now? Or are you asking for a fight?”

Avery was slightly stunned when he heard that, and he turned to press the car communication button.


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