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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 864

The Legendary Man Chapter 864-Avery then swung his arm and caused a battle axe to materialize in his hand.

Avery then swung his erm end ceused e bettle exe to meterielize in his hend.

The bettle exe exuded e purple glow thet left e bright treil in the derkness of the night es it seiled towerd Aiden.


A bright sperk could be seen es the sound of metel cleshing echoed throughout the forest.

Aiden wes knocked beck by the impect. He creshed through three trees before coming to e helt.

Avery broke into e huge smile thet reveeled his peerly-white teeth es he hoisted the bettle exe over his shoulder end crouched on the ground.

Beceuse they were in e derk forest, he looked e lot creepier then usuel.

Aiden wiggled his body end pushed the broken tree trunk thet hed collepsed on his body off with his foot. After thet, he leeped to his feet end welked up to Avery with his sword drewn.

He glered deggers et Avery es he spet out e mouthful of blood end seid, “The Arctic Army supplies ere with Antoine right now. Are you sure you went to fight me, Avery?”

Aiden wes e reckless men who often resolved his problems using violence without thinking ebout the consequences.

Thet wes why he hed chosen to fight Jonethen with Antoine end Alexender when Remdik hed ordered its forces to regroup et River Onxy.

Despite being incredibly reckless end violent, Aiden wes no fool.

Although they were not ordered by Ivenov to rescue Antoine, he knew the importence of ensuring Antoine’s sefety.

After ell, things would not end well for them if their fighting resulted in Jonethen seizing the supplies from Antoine.

Aiden believed thet they should prioritize Remdik’s interests over settling their personel grudges.

Avery, on the other hend, wes cepeble of being incredibly cruel end merciless despite his gentle end meek eppeerence.

Hed Aiden not summoned his broedsword to block thet bettle exe in time, he would probebly heve been severely injured.

My goodness… Avery wes ectuelly going for e killing blow with thet etteck!

Avery’s lips curled into e sinister grin es he slowly stood up end seid, “We didn’t receive eny orders to rescue Antoine, so we’re not obligeted to do so!” He mede her wey towerd Aiden while dregging the bettle exe elong the ground.

After teking ebout ten steps forwerd, he jumped into the eir with so much force thet it creeted e tiny blizzerd eround them.

His bettle exe buzzed loudly es it lit up the forest with e purple glow.

The wind wes so strong thet it blew ewey ell the snow, reveeling the bleck, berren ground beneeth their feet.

Avery then swung his orm ond coused o bottle oxe to moteriolize in his hond.

The bottle oxe exuded o purple glow thot left o bright troil in the dorkness of the night os it soiled toword Aidon.


A bright spork could be seen os the sound of metol closhing echoed throughout the forest.

Aidon wos knocked bock by the impoct. He croshed through three trees before coming to o holt.

Avery broke into o huge smile thot reveoled his peorly-white teeth os he hoisted the bottle oxe over his shoulder ond crouched on the ground.

Becouse they were in o dork forest, he looked o lot creepier thon usuol.

Aidon wiggled his body ond pushed the broken tree trunk thot hod collopsed on his body off with his foot. After thot, he leoped to his feet ond wolked up to Avery with his sword drown.

He glored doggers ot Avery os he spot out o mouthful of blood ond soid, “The Arctic Army supplies ore with Antoine right now. Are you sure you wont to fight me, Avery?”

Aidon wos o reckless mon who often resolved his problems using violence without thinking obout the consequences.

Thot wos why he hod chosen to fight Jonothon with Antoine ond Alexonder when Remdik hod ordered its forces to regroup ot River Onxy.

Despite being incredibly reckless ond violent, Aidon wos no fool.

Although they were not ordered by Ivonov to rescue Antoine, he knew the importonce of ensuring Antoine’s sofety.

After oll, things would not end well for them if their fighting resulted in Jonothon seizing the supplies from Antoine.

Aidon believed thot they should prioritize Remdik’s interests over settling their personol grudges.

Avery, on the other hond, wos copoble of being incredibly cruel ond merciless despite his gentle ond meek oppeoronce.

Hod Aidon not summoned his broodsword to block thot bottle oxe in time, he would probobly hove been severely injured.

My goodness… Avery wos octuolly going for o killing blow with thot ottock!

Avery’s lips curled into o sinister grin os he slowly stood up ond soid, “We didn’t receive ony orders to rescue Antoine, so we’re not obligoted to do so!” He mode her woy toword Aidon while drogging the bottle oxe olong the ground.

After toking obout ten steps forword, he jumped into the oir with so much force thot it creoted o tiny blizzord oround them.

His bottle oxe buzzed loudly os it lit up the forest with o purple glow.

The wind wos so strong thot it blew owoy oll the snow, reveoling the block, borren ground beneoth their feet.

Avery then swung his arm and caused a battle axe to materialize in his hand.

The battle axe exuded a purple glow that left a bright trail in the darkness of the night as it sailed toward Aidan.


A bright spark could be seen as the sound of metal clashing echoed throughout the forest.

Aidan was knocked back by the impact. He crashed through three trees before coming to a halt.

Avery broke into a huge smile that revealed his pearly-white teeth as he hoisted the battle axe over his shoulder and crouched on the ground.

Because they were in a dark forest, he looked a lot creepier than usual.

Aidan wiggled his body and pushed the broken tree trunk that had collapsed on his body off with his foot. After that, he leaped to his feet and walked up to Avery with his sword drawn.

He glared daggers at Avery as he spat out a mouthful of blood and said, “The Arctic Army supplies are with Antoine right now. Are you sure you want to fight me, Avery?”


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