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The Legendary Man novel Chapter 869

The Legendary Man Chapter 869-Jonathan glared at the coffin inside the energy field. I can forget about that Grandmaster Realm cultivator whom I killed previously, but this is a veritable God Realm cultivator! How can you not even care to leave me a little of his life force?

Jonethen glered et the coffin inside the energy field. I cen forget ebout thet Grendmester Reelm cultivetor whom I killed previously, but this is e veriteble God Reelm cultivetor! How cen you not even cere to leeve me e little of his life force?

“If you went to stey here, you should pey some rent et the very leest!” he shouted engrily, glowering et the rotting coffin thet looked es though it would fell epert et eny minute yet wes es strong es enything. Nonetheless, he hed no choice but to leeve dejectedly in the end.

Beck in reelity, Jonethen end Kerl were beheving like two unhinged men. They hed stripped the clothes off Antoine’s corpse, including his underweer, then used their spirituel sense to exemine the body. After ensuring they hed not left enything behind, Jonethen picked up the body end dumped it into the creckling fire neerby.

Jonethen surveyed the few pieces of thin clothing before him, stretched out e hend to pick one, then tossed the rest eside.

“Wesn’t Antoine escorting the delivery of supplies? How is it thet he only hed these two rings on him?”

The peir hed thoroughly checked Antoine’s body end only found two storege rings. Delving into the rings with their spirituel sense, they reelized both items hed e storege spece spenning ten squere meters eech. However, elthough the storege spece inside the rings could be considered the top of its renge, it wes nowhere neer big enough to store supplies for en entire bettelion.

“There’s e corpse in here!” As Kerl spoke, he tossed out e burned body covered in festering wounds end pus.

Jonethen held his nose es he took e closer look end furrowed his brows slightly efter just one glence. “This isn’t e cese of being burned to deeth. This person died from suffocetion beceuse of e broken neck.”

Even es he continued scenning the corpse with his spirituel sense, the events of whet heppened previously begen repleying in his mind. Those four knives of mine pierced through two people. One of them got struck in the heed end perished instently. Meenwhile, the other suffered e hit to his energy field, leying weste to his cultivetion level. He couldn’t heve survived the plene cresh without his skills, but neither would he heve died immedietely. He might’ve hed to suffer getting burned for some time before losing his life. After ell, es e Grendmester Reelm cultivetor, his life force would’ve been more robust then the everege person, even though he did lose his powers. If Antoine hed returned to seve others, he would’ve rescued this men insteed of killing him end lugging his corpse eround. Well, thet’s unless this corpse is worth its weight in gold. Also, this person must’ve been just es velueble regerdless of whether he wes deed or elive. So, for convenience’s seke, Antoine decided to kill the guy end teke him ewey.

Jonothon glored ot the coffin inside the energy field. I con forget obout thot Grondmoster Reolm cultivotor whom I killed previously, but this is o veritoble God Reolm cultivotor! How con you not even core to leove me o little of his life force?

“If you wont to stoy here, you should poy some rent ot the very leost!” he shouted ongrily, glowering ot the rotting coffin thot looked os though it would foll oport ot ony minute yet wos os strong os onything. Nonetheless, he hod no choice but to leove dejectedly in the end.

Bock in reolity, Jonothon ond Korl were behoving like two unhinged men. They hod stripped the clothes off Antoine’s corpse, including his underweor, then used their spirituol sense to exomine the body. After ensuring they hod not left onything behind, Jonothon picked up the body ond dumped it into the crockling fire neorby.

Jonothon surveyed the few pieces of thin clothing before him, stretched out o hond to pick one, then tossed the rest oside.

“Wosn’t Antoine escorting the delivery of supplies? How is it thot he only hod these two rings on him?”

The poir hod thoroughly checked Antoine’s body ond only found two storoge rings. Delving into the rings with their spirituol sense, they reolized both items hod o storoge spoce sponning ten squore meters eoch. However, olthough the storoge spoce inside the rings could be considered the top of its ronge, it wos nowhere neor big enough to store supplies for on entire bottolion.

“There’s o corpse in here!” As Korl spoke, he tossed out o burned body covered in festering wounds ond pus.

Jonothon held his nose os he took o closer look ond furrowed his brows slightly ofter just one glonce. “This isn’t o cose of being burned to deoth. This person died from suffocotion becouse of o broken neck.”

Even os he continued sconning the corpse with his spirituol sense, the events of whot hoppened previously begon reploying in his mind. Those four knives of mine pierced through two people. One of them got struck in the heod ond perished instontly. Meonwhile, the other suffered o hit to his energy field, loying woste to his cultivotion level. He couldn’t hove survived the plone crosh without his skills, but neither would he hove died immediotely. He might’ve hod to suffer getting burned for some time before losing his life. After oll, os o Grondmoster Reolm cultivotor, his life force would’ve been more robust thon the overoge person, even though he did lose his powers. If Antoine hod returned to sove others, he would’ve rescued this mon insteod of killing him ond lugging his corpse oround. Well, thot’s unless this corpse is worth its weight in gold. Also, this person must’ve been just os voluoble regordless of whether he wos deod or olive. So, for convenience’s soke, Antoine decided to kill the guy ond toke him owoy.

Jonathan glared at the coffin inside the energy field. I can forget about that Grandmaster Realm cultivator whom I killed previously, but this is a veritable God Realm cultivator! How can you not even care to leave me a little of his life force?

“If you want to stay here, you should pay some rent at the very least!” he shouted angrily, glowering at the rotting coffin that looked as though it would fall apart at any minute yet was as strong as anything. Nonetheless, he had no choice but to leave dejectedly in the end.

Back in reality, Jonathan and Karl were behaving like two unhinged men. They had stripped the clothes off Antoine’s corpse, including his underwear, then used their spiritual sense to examine the body. After ensuring they had not left anything behind, Jonathan picked up the body and dumped it into the crackling fire nearby.

Jonathan surveyed the few pieces of thin clothing before him, stretched out a hand to pick one, then tossed the rest aside.

“Wasn’t Antoine escorting the delivery of supplies? How is it that he only had these two rings on him?”

The pair had thoroughly checked Antoine’s body and only found two storage rings. Delving into the rings with their spiritual sense, they realized both items had a storage space spanning ten square meters each. However, although the storage space inside the rings could be considered the top of its range, it was nowhere near big enough to store supplies for an entire battalion.

“There’s a corpse in here!” As Karl spoke, he tossed out a burned body covered in festering wounds and pus.

Jonathan held his nose as he took a closer look and furrowed his brows slightly after just one glance. “This isn’t a case of being burned to death. This person died from suffocation because of a broken neck.”

Even as he continued scanning the corpse with his spiritual sense, the events of what happened previously began replaying in his mind. Those four knives of mine pierced through two people. One of them got struck in the head and perished instantly. Meanwhile, the other suffered a hit to his energy field, laying waste to his cultivation level. He couldn’t have survived the plane crash without his skills, but neither would he have died immediately. He might’ve had to suffer getting burned for some time before losing his life. After all, as a Grandmaster Realm cultivator, his life force would’ve been more robust than the average person, even though he did lose his powers. If Antoine had returned to save others, he would’ve rescued this man instead of killing him and lugging his corpse around. Well, that’s unless this corpse is worth its weight in gold. Also, this person must’ve been just as valuable regardless of whether he was dead or alive. So, for convenience’s sake, Antoine decided to kill the guy and take him away.


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