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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 111

Joey couldn’t concentrate on work the entire day. After work, she paid her father a vist at the hospital first, and then hurried back home.

Allen was still nowhere to be seen at home.

She dropped to her knees in great disappointment and decided to give him a call. But somehow she couldn’t work up the courage to do so. Eventually she chose to turn to Sarah.

However, before she could say anything, there came Sarah’s murmur from the other end of the phone, “Hey, Joey, what a coincidence! I was going to call you too. I’m at the Elsner Club right now and I forgot to bring any money. Why don’t you come over and pay my bill? That’s it. See you in a minute.”

Before she could answer, Sarah hung up the phone.

Joey froze for a second with the phone in her hand. The minute she heard Sarah’s slur, she knew that Sarah was very drunk. She didn’t hesitate anymore. She grabbed her purse and left home.

Twenty minutes later, Joey arrived at the club.

It was the second time she had ever come here. She was less nervous than before.

After going through the crowd for a while, she finally spotted Sarah.

However, Sarah wasn’t alone. There was a pretty woman with heavy makeup sitting next to her. The woman put her arm around Sarah’s waist and was practically clinging to her. They were drinking together in a most socially improper position.

A glimpse at the woman gave Joey the creeps, because it was the same pretty lesbian who had molested her on the day when she had come here in search of Allen. If Allen hadn’t shown up in time, she might have had fallen prey to her.

Therefore, Joey rushed to them and brushed the woman’s hand from Sarah’s waist. She stood between the woman and Sarah who was totally wasted at the moment, and glared at the woman protectively and alertly, “She’s my friend and she only likes men. You’d better take your hands off her.”

The pretty woman froze for a second before she smiled amorously. She took her glass and approached Joey. Looking Joey up and down, she said in a frivolous tone, “It’s you! It’s been a while. It seems you’re getting prettier. Where is Allen Charles? Why isn’t he coming here with you?”


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