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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 119

Joey’s arrival at the General Manager office was shocking for everyone and Vivian was undoubtedly the one who took the hit most. She really hated the idea of spending every working day with Joey from now on.

However, the other three secretaries didn’t feel the same way. Joey was polite, elegant, generous and capable at work. She was nothing like Vivian who was always clumsy and stupid.

It took only half a day for Faith, Miranda and Yvonne to become amicable with Joey. Vivian was excluded again.

Joey had learnt a lot about the mysterious General Manager from the three girls.

Now she knew that his name was Lawrence Charles.

Joey was reminded of Allen Charles the second she heard the name.

Allen Charles and Lawrence Charles, what a coincidence!

She rushed back home after work and asked Allen about it.

Allen’s answer was shocking.

Lawrence Charles was actually Allen’s younger brother.

It took Joey quite a while to calm down. She stared at Allen who was laughing hard, “No wonder you’re not worried about my work at the CL Group at all. It turns out that it’s owned by your family. Tell me, did I get the job so easily because of you?”

Allen smiled and shook his head. He took her in his arms and complained, “Baby you’re wrong. First of all, I only knew you had gotten a new job in the CL Group after you called me about the successful interview. Second of all, CL Group is owned by Lawrence only, not our family.”

Joey breathed a sigh of relief when she learned that she had gotten the job on her own. But what Allen said next was confusing.

It was as if Allen had expected her to be confused about it, he explained, “Do you know the origin of the company name? They’re the initials of my brother’s name Lawrence Charles. It was founded by him alone. But he made our father the president out of respect and thus made himself the General Manager of the company. Even so, the CL Group is his and neither my father nor I will interfere!”

Joey was even more confused. Although Allen had explained it quite clearly, she somehow found Allen’s story a little weird and she couldn’t put a finger on it.

“Baby, what are you thinking about?”

When Allen found her frowning and pondering, he couldn’t help reaching out to touch her eyebrows.

Joey looked up at him and asked, “Allen, did you have anything to do with my new position?”

“Your new position? What’s it?”


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