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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 124

With no makeup on, it could be easily seen that she was very young, no older than Joey, about twenty-one or twenty-two years old.

The woman smiled and extended her right hand to Joey, as if she had never met Joey before. She was neither surprised nor embarrassed, “Hey, I’m Martha. I hope we can get along well in the future work.”

Confused by her composure and ease, Joey forced a smile and said, “Nice to meet you. I’m Joey.”

But she didn’t reach out to shake hands with Martha.

Recalling Martha’s advances at the club, Joey was reluctant to make any physical contact with her.

Martha wasn’t annoyed at all. She calmly withdrew her hand and lightly smiled.

In the next few days, Joey had to deal with both Martha and Philip at the same time, which was painful for her.

Fortunately, their work finally came to a close and now it was the last day.

At noon Martha invited Joey and Philip to lunch at a fancy restaurant.

Joey had intended to decline the invitation at first. Martha had been very polite and generous around her in these days, so Joey didn’t want to come across as a petty and hypocritical person.

The three of them met each other at the restaurant on time. Joey ate her lunch with poor appetite.

Martha left for the lady’s room halfway through their lunch.

All of a sudden, there were only Joey and Philip left at the table.

After much hesitation, Philip finally asked, “Is he…treating you well?”

Joey’s heart trembled a little. She knew Philip was referring to Allen. She nodded and said, “He treats me very well.”

Philip’s knife and fork suddenly stopped in mid-air. He paused and asked, “When are you two going to get married?”

“Well…I don’t know.” Joey lowered her head.

Seemingly irritated by the answer, Philip raised his voice, “Has he never brought it up with you?”


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