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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 139

David looked up at Mrs. Linderman who was standing by the pool with a pale and innocent face and said sadly, “Aunt Maple, I took you advice and forced myself on Joey. I actually didn’t want to do anything against her wishes. It turns out I’ve overreached myself. I’m afraid she will never talk to me again.”

Indeed, it was Mrs. Linderman’s idea to “sleep with her before marriage registration”. But she didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. She said again, “I did it for you. Take a look at yourself. You’re fat and not handsome. How could Joey possibly like you? So you have to get her into your bed first if you want to marry her.”

David frowned, “Now I’ve gone too far. I would have gotten myself killed without the swimming pool.”

Mrs. Linderman thought for a moment and said, “Tell me one thing, do you want to marry Joey or not?”

“Of course I do.” David answered without any hesitation.

“All right. Then leave your front door open tonight. You can wait in your bedroom. I’ll find a way to send her to you.”

Mrs. Linderman was determined. She turned around and left.

David was left stunned in the water. He couldn't understand why she was so confident, but…he would leave the door open tonight as he was told to.

It was a starry night.

The village was particularly quiet at night. Frogs were croaking. The moonlit night was even quieter against such noise.

Mr. Linderman took off his coat and went to bed. Mrs. Linderman gave him a nudge, “Honey, you haven't drunk the water yet.”

Mr. Linderman had had the habit of drinking some water to moisten his lips before going to bed every night.

Mr. Linderman gave her a questioning look. She had always scolded him for it every time because she thought it would wake her up in the middle of the night. But tonight…

Mrs. Linderman had a guilty conscience when her husband stared at her this way. She handed the glass of water to him, pretending to be indifferent, “I just thought you might be wake up from thirst in midnight and have to go to the bathroom again. Drink it and go to sleep.”

Mr. Linderman didn’t go any deeper. He took the glass of water and took a sip, and…fell into a deep sleep in less than a minute. Mrs. Linderman smirked. She gave him a few hard pushes to make sure he was irresponsive. She quickly got off the bed and got dressed. Then she fetched a bowl of herbal soup she had long prepared for from the kitchen and knocked on Joey’s bedroom door.


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