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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 152

The mountain was about two stories high, but the rocks were covered with sharp edges. Nelson fell down the mountain and died instantly.

Mrs. Quigley was present. When Nelson was confirmed dead, she committed suicide by throwing herself against the rock nearby. She had loved Nelson so deeply that she’d rather die with him than spend another day without him.

Everyone was stunned.

No one had expected it to end in such a tragic way. Aunt Nancy was devastated to find that her son and his lover had both died because of her. Blood gushed from her mouth and she fainted.

Joey was stunned to hear the story.

She couldn’t help recalling the scene she had seen in the cornfield yesterday afternoon. She had foolishly despised Nelson for having an affair with the widowed Mrs. Quigley. It turned out that he had loved her so much.

Suddenly she remembered their conversation several days ago when Nelson smiled shyly and said, “To be honest, I’ve been seeing someone.”

Indeed he had someone that he had been in love with and it was apparently Mrs. Quigley. Mrs. Quigley had returned his love with her precious life. Joey had rarely seen such genuine love these days.

She turned around to bury her head in Allen’s arms, and quietly wept.

Life was impermanent and time was fleeting. She made up her mind to cherish Allen more from now on.

Meanwhile, back in the distant Village of Giant Salamanders, a cruel tragedy was unfolding.

It could date back to the departure of John Walter several months ago.

The village girl Cindy had been John Walter’s lover during his short stay at the village. But John Walter had refused to take her back to the city with him. She was left heartbroken for almost a month after he left.

She knew very well that John Walter was an unfaithful lover, but she had missed him day and night, both emotionally and physically.

She had had a great time with John Walter in bed and she had learnt how wonderful sex could be. She had really missed it.

It had become a torture and spell for her after John Walter had left.


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