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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 157


Joey looked along Allen’s eyesight at the middle-aged couple in surprise. Are they really his parents?

But they look so young.

As Allen’s parents, they were apparently more than forty years old, but age had treated them well. His father was a tall, handsome and cultured man, whose eyes and Allen’s looked alike. The mother was noble, elegant and gracious.

While Joey was in a trance, Allen held her hand and went to greet his parents, George and Paige Charles.

“Dad, Mom, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend Joey.”

Allen introduced Joey to his parents with a smile on his face, but his voice suggested that he was a little nervous, because he was afraid that his parents wouldn’t accept Joey.

He came from a distinguished family in both business and politics, while Joey was from a much humbler background.

“Mr. Charles, Mrs. Charles, Nice to meet you!”

Joey greeted them very politely.

They were a little surprised to see her. George Charles smiled, “Nice to meet you too.”

Paige Charles gently nodded with an elegant smile on her face.

Their calm politeness was a great relief for Allen. The four of them took their seats in a sofa, and chatted amicably.

Just then, there came a noise from the entrance. It turned out that Martin and Chance had arrived at the party with their sexy dates.

“Son, why don’t go and say hello to Martin and Chance? Joey will be safe with us here.”


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