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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 17

The young waiter put on a professional smile and asked, “Are you a friend of Mr. Charles? Do you have an appointment with him?”

Joey shook her head, “Do I need to make an appointment with him? Is he really so busy?”

But on a second thought, Allen was an elegant and handsome man and there must be plenty of women who would ask for him. Suddenly her heart sunk at the thought of it.

The waiter said, “Sorry, if you aren’t Mr. Charles’s friend and don’t have an appointment with him, I’m afraid I can’t bring you to see him. Is there anything else I could do for you?”

“Then…I’d like a Bloody Mary.”

She didn’t want to leave without seeing Allen. Besides, there was nothing at home she could go back to but loud noise in the next room. She might as well stay and kill some time with a glass of wine.

“All right, just a minute.”

The waiter nodded politely and left. Soon he brought Joey a glass of red Bloody Mary.

While sipping the wine, she looked around in hope of finding Allen, if she was destined to see him again.

“Hi, beautiful, do you mind if I sit here?”

A beautiful woman, who wore a heavy makeup in a black deep v-neck short dress, came over to her with a big smile on her face and a glass of wine in her hand.


Joey froze for a moment before she nodded, “Sure.”

If it were a strange man, she would certainly have turned him down. But it was a woman, so she was less alert.

The beautiful woman sat next to Joey, “Why are you drinking alone? Where is your boyfriend?”

“I don’t have a boyfriend.”

Joey instantly shook her head. After finding about Ben and Vivian’s betrayal, she hadn’t had anything to do with him anymore. As for Allen Charles, he was her first man, but he was far from being her boyfriend.

Leaning toward her, the woman boldly put her arm around her slender waist and said, “In that case, we should become good friends, what do you think?”

Joey’s body stiffened. The woman was acting so strangely. It seemed she was implying something. Was she…a lesbian?”


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