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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 172

“Joey, how could you…”

Chance looked at Joey affectionately. How could she be so sweet and understanding? How could he give up on such a lovely girl…

“What’s wrong with me?”

Joey had no idea what was thinking, but the way the way he was looking at her was disturbing.

“Oh, nothing.”

Chance looked away quickly and changed the subject, “The baby was instable largely because of your mood swings. It seems that you’re under great psychological pressure. Do you have something on your mind? You can tell me. I might be able to help you as a doctor.”

Joey quickly shook her head, “I, I’m fine. It’s just that I’m going to be a first-time mother, so I’m…quite nervous. Thank you for your concern. I'm a little tired. I’d like to get some sleep.”

Chance shrugged, “All right. Ring the bell whenever you need me.”

He wouldn’t force Joey to open her heart to him. He’d better take it slow.

After Chance left, lying feebly on the bed, Joey couldn’t help recalling Ben Hawk’s evil voice, “See you at Phoenix Hotel, one o 'clock tomorrow.”

“No!” Joey closed her eyes and buried her head in her hands in agony.

No, she wouldn’t go to see the monster.

But what should she do now?

“Somebody help me!” She prayed.

“Every night in my dream, I see you, I feel you…”

Just then, her phone suddenly rang.

Deeply immersed in sorrow, Joey was startled by the ring tone. She picked up the phone and found that it was a call from Thailand.

Her hands slightly trembled. She knew who it was from.

“Hello, Joey, it’s me.” There came Fiona’s unique and pleasant voice from the other end of the phone.



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