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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 176

When Joey was hesitating at the door, she suddenly saw Ben Hawk walking out of the hotel complacently. She was startled and quickly hid herself behind a standing advertisement board nearby. Fiona emerged from the hotel after a short while.

Quite different from his heavy makeup in Thailand, Fiona wore a tailored white suit and a pony tail without any makeup. It was simple, elegant, casual and powerful. Joey froze for a second at the sight of him.

Joey came to her sense when Fiona walked passed her. She quickly emerged from behind the tree and caught up with Fiona, “Hello, Fiona!”

Fiona turned around and saw Joey. He was a little surprised at first. But he was happy to see her, “Joey, why are you here?”

“I’ve been worried about you. Ben Hawk…did he do anything to you?’

Fiona looked him up and down with concern.

Fiona paused for a second and pointed at the cafe across the road, “Why don’t we talk about it over a cup of coffee?”

He walked directly toward the café and Joey quickly caught up with him.

They went up to the second floor where there were fewer customers and sat down next to a window.

Fiona chuckled when he found Joey staring at him the whole time. He shrugged, “You see, I'm fine. Don't be so nervous. I’m much tougher than you. Ben Hawk wouldn’t dare to do anything to hurt me.”


Joey was still a little worried that Fiona wouldn’t tell the truth even if something had happened to him. She suddenly saw a hickey on Fiona’s neck.

Joey went pale and became excited, “There is a…on your neck. God, he did it, right? Fiona, I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. How could I have gotten you in trouble? I…I will never forgive myself for it…”


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