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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 180

“Ask you manager to send the ladyboy queen to the stage right now. Tell him I said so.”

Shawn glanced at the waiter coldly. He had been waiting for the ladyboy queen impatiently. But he wasn’t as polite as any other customer.

The waiter clearly knew who Shawn was. He went pale and held his breath nervously. He turned around and ran away to the backstage once the bodyguards released him.

Shawn’s threat worked. Two minutes later, Fiona made an amazing appearance on the stage.

Martin was upset. It seemed that nothing was more effective than the threat of a most bossy man.

Fiona’s performance was great. His eight-minute fan dance was complicated and breathtakingly beautiful.

Then he sang two songs in Thai and Chinese. His voice was neutral, a perfect combination of men’s handsomeness and women’s gracefulness. His performance won waves of applauses.

When the performance was over, Fiona retreated to the backstage and started to remove makeup and change clothes.

His performance was over for tonight.

However, the audience kept screaming “encore, encore…”

They were very excited, booing and throwing things at other performers.

The manager at the Elsner Club was sweating all over with worry.

It was the club’s tenth anniversary today, which was why he had invited the famous ladyboy queen with a lot of money. He would lose his job if the celebration performance failed.

He begged Fiona to go on the stage again.

Fiona took off his headwear and refused him calmly, “We had a deal. Just one dance and two songs.”

“I’ll pay you more. How about twice the money?” The manager wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Fiona turned around to look at the manager and smiled, “It’s not about money. It’s my principle.”


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