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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 224

The middle-aged man greeted Joey in broken Chinese.

Joey frowned, “Who are you?”

Of course, she asked him in English. She had traveled to many countries in the past four years to avoid being tracked by Allen, Chance and Martin. Her greatest achievement during these years was that she had learned many languages in different countries, and English was just one of them.

The man paused and he was obviously unhappy. He quickly gave up on his clumsy Chinese and asked her in English, “Didn’t the boy tell you about me? Did he pocket the one thousand dollars that I intended to give to you?”

Joey thought for a moment and smiled, “Oh, I got your tips. Don’t assume the worst of others.”

They had told her the names of the people who sent her flowers and money in the backstage, but all she cared about was the tips. She hadn’t even looked at those flowers and business cards, because she wasn’t interested in them at all.

The man was annoyed by Joey’s bluntness. She had read her mind, because he had indeed assumed that the boy hadn’t done what was asked of him. But he didn’t lose his temper at a moment when he hadn’t gotten what he wanted. Thus he smiled politely, “Sorry I made a mistake. My beautiful Chinese lady, let’s have a dinner together. Please get on the car!”

Joey shook her head again without any hesitation, “Sorry, I’ve already eaten. Thanks.”

She turned and was about to leave.

The desire in his eyes was so obvious. She knew exactly what he was after. She had met too many men who thought they could do whatever they wanted with a pocket full of money over the years, which was sickening for her.

The man hadn’t expected such a flat refusal. He couldn’t pretend to be a gentleman anymore. He frowned and grabbed her right shoulder, saying coldly. “You accepted so much money and you wouldn’t even have dinner with me. You’re beautiful, but you’ve clearly overestimated yourself. I’m telling you, one thousand dollars is enough money to call in a couple of…Ouch…”

Before he said the word “hookers”, Joey had narrowed her eyes and raised her left hand to grab his hostile hand on her shoulder. She threw him straight over her back and slammed him hard on the ground.


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