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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 234

However, despite Ms. Carol’s efforts to change the subject, Allen didn’t give up. He grabbed Joey’s hands and asked seriously, “Why did you leave me without a word? Was there something you should have told me? Why did you suddenly disappear? Do you know I’ve been looking for you for four years?”

Joey smiled sarcastically at Allen’s sincere words, “So what? Aren’t you married and have a child now?”

She had never meant to hide her identity. Indeed, she had changed her name and deliberately distanced herself from him, but it was just part of her initial plan.

Allen was stumped by her question.

So what?

He had married Yolanda and she had even given birth to their daughter Lillian. Even if Joey, standing in front of him now, had admitted her identity, what could he do?

He had forfeited his right to have her again.

He shook his head in pain and tried to explain, “It’s not what you think. Yolanda and I…”

“I don’t want to hear it, and I don’t need to.” Joey interrupted him coldly, “If you keep on nagging me like this, I’ afraid I have to leave here and find somewhere else to invest.”

“No!” As soon as he heard her remarks, he quickly and helplessly released her hands, “All right, let’s get back to work if that's what you want.”

Now that she finally came back to him as he had wished, he would never let her go again.

When Ms. Carol found that Mr. Charles was finally willing to make a temporary compromise, she hurriedly took Philip’s luggage with a big smile on her face and ushered Joey and Philip out of the airport and to their car parked outside.

Ms. Carol was driving the car with Allen in the passenger seat. Joey and Philip were sitting together in the back seat.

“Phil, I have a headache. Maybe I just got airsick.” Joey said softly, laying her head lightly on Philip’s shoulder.

“Let me rub your head.” Philip rubbed her temples gently.

It was a heartwarming scene. Allen suddenly clenched his fists with a deep frown on his face.

However, even though he was angry and sad, he couldn’t do anything. There was no doubt that Philip had stayed by her side in the past four years, and perhaps they had developed a romantic relationship. His heart ached at the thought.

It seems that he had to find a chance to explain what had happened between Yolanda and him to Joey as soon as possible. Once he had made up his mind, he said to Ms. Carol, “Go to the Reston Hotel!”


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