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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 238

The car moved rapidly and steadily. Half an hour later, they arrived at the Champion Hospital.

Chance had been informed by Allen yesterday and had made preparations. At the moment, all the executives, doctors and nurses in the hospital were standing in two rows, dressed in white, at the hospital gate. They looked like two white dragons from a distance, giving an impression of unprecedented solemnity and seriousness.

For the first time in the history of the Champion Hospital, all the medical staff was waiting for the arrival of someone important with such earnestness.

Therefore, all the doctors and nurses couldn’t help whispering about the visitor who was coming soon. They wondered who on earth could get their hospital president to initiate such a spectacular welcoming ceremony.

As the president of the hospital, Chance, wearing a white coat and a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, was very handsome.

He was now standing at the head of the line and looked gravely out at the wide road ahead, expecting the arrival of Miss Zoey, who would probably save his mother Leila.

When Allen’s car arrived, Chance suddenly became very nervous and raised his hand, and all the voices behind him died away. Everyone stood straight and looked ahead. None of them dared to make a sound.

The door opened and a pair of burgundy high heels stepped gracefully on the ground. When Joey got out of the car and stood in front of the welcoming staff, everyone gasped.

Today she was wearing light makeup, but her plump lips were dabbed with bright red lipstick. She wore a white chiffon one-shoulder high-waisted dress that bore a striking resemblance in color to those of the doctors and nurses. But a large black flower bloomed in the loose hemlines. The black flower was lifelike and intimidating in the wind.

Joey’s makeup and dress made her look elegant, noble and gorgeous, yet there was an indescribable strangeness about her.

All the doctors and nurses were amazed and intimated by her appearance.

Chance was petrified.

He stared at Joey as she got out of the car, looked up at him with a faint smile on her cold face, and then walked gracefully toward him.

“Joey, is it you?” Chance couldn’t believe his eyes. He thought she was Joey, but doubted his own conclusion. Four years had passed, and the woman standing in front of him was a totally different person.


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