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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 243

Turning her head slightly as if in thought, Joey smiled and walked over.

At this moment, two middle-aged women dressed like upper-class ladies sat at the table next to Martin. The two of them had four children who were busy playing in the lobby. Their shrill laughter and screams were particularly noisy.

Therefore, Martin did not even notice Joey’s footsteps as she walked behind Martin.

Samantha, who sat across from Martin, couldn't help but look at Joey with a strange expression, and then gestured to Martin that someone was behind her.

After Martin saw his mother Samantha’s gesture, he turned around to look, and suddenly, he was frozen still.


Martin looked on in disbelief at Joey who suddenly appeared behind him. He was a fashionable man who always paid attention to his image, but at this moment, his mouth was agape in an O shape.

"Well, well, Martin, haven't seen you in years, don't be so alarmed!"

Joey smiled softly and looked on at this energetic man dressed in military uniform. After four years, Martin grew taller and more handsome.

Joey did not hold hostility towards Martin. In this city, Martin was one of the few people Joey did not hate.

However, Martin was Yolanda's younger brother, so Joey did not head over purposelessly to strike up a conversation. 

"Are... are you really Joey? My God, when did you come back?"

Martin stood up in shock, the expression on his face looked as if he just made a new discovery.

Joey was amused by his exaggerated expression, but she still kept smiling politely, and said, "I came back yesterday, and I am meeting someone here today. What a coincidence to see you here. And who is this?"

With that said, Joey pointed to Samantha, who sat across from Martin.

"My mother!"


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