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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 282

Noticing the complicated look in Joey's eyes, Amanda said with sympathy, "I've heard what has happened to you. You must have been unhappy after you left Allen and went abroad, right?"

Joey looked down and bit her lips, nodding. Even though she had Philip and Fiona, and later Sammy, she could not cheer up at all. However, she couldn't tell anyone. She could only nod when Amanda asked.

Amanda added, "Actually, the best way to forget the pain of the previous relationship is to start a new one. Are you seeing someone now?"

Taken aback, Joey smiled bitterly. Philip was around her a lot, but they were not in a serious relationship. She didn't want to think about this question, so she paused and said, "You looked contented. I guess you have started a new relationship, right?"

Only love could easily wipe out the hatred in a woman's heart.

Sure enough, Amanda nodded. "Not long after I divorced Quentin, a man started chasing after me. I was moved by him, and entered a relationship with him within three months. He ... is very good, really very good. I can feel his love. It's so pure. And I can't help falling in love with him gradually. I had a different feeling for him from that I felt for Quentin. I love him, while there was only marriage between Quentin and me. However, I broke up with him in the end, just yesterday."

Joey was shocked. "Who is it? Do I know him?"


Amanda said sadly, "It is Leonard."


Joey was surprised. When she worked in CL Group she came into contact with Leonard. He was Amanda's assistant, who entered the company one day later than her. He was a handsome young man with two deep dimples when he laughed, but he was ten years younger than Amanda.

Noticing Joey's surprise, Amanda gave a bitter smile. "I know what you're thinking. The age difference between us is too big. This kind of cradle-snatcher love doesn't end well, but I broke up with him not because of the age, but because ... Forget it, we are finished anyway. It's no use talking about it. I've already handed over my resignation letter to Mr. Lawrence. I want to leave this city tomorrow. Therefore, I'm afraid it'll be very difficult for us to see each other after today. "

Amanda had never imagined that she would be a cradle snatcher. However, when love came, she couldn't control herself, and the price she paid for it was a hundred times more painful than the divorce four years ago.

When she divorced, she didn't even think of leaving, but now she didn't want to stay in this heartbreaking city any longer.


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