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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 316

But Joey got shocked when hearing it, feeling like experiencing a bolt from the blue.


Joey was stunned and stood up directly. She looked at Fiona in disbelief, saying, "You want to marry him? How can you do that? He is in the Mafia and he is a man. You..."

As soon as Joey said out the words, she knew she had slipped her tongue.

She meant that both of them were men. How could two men get married with each other?

But from another point of view, Fiona actually wasn't a real man.

He was a ladyboy, among which he was a queen.

Fiona was special so it was strange whichever gender he married. In a word, whether Joey mentioned it or not, this topic would always make him painful during his life!

But obviously, Fiona had already accepted this truth. He gave a little smile towards Joey and shook his head, saying, "You don't have to scruple. I've experienced and endured a bunch of unimaginable things. How could a few words hurt me? So you can say whatever you love to say."

Fiona paused and then continue saying, "I know it's ridiculous to hear that I get married with Shawn. But do you know how many people in our ladyboy's circle envy me? Due to long-term use of estrogen, we have short lives and artistic career. Our heyday, or peak of the career, lies between 18 and 25 years old. After 26 years old, we will be aging as fast as normal people with the age of over 55 years old. Now I'm already 29 years old. Thank god for keeping my pretty appearance but my bone is undoubtedly aging. I can clearly feel that I'll lose my charm with years but Shawn treats me sincerely and is willing to be married with me without secular prospective. Since I'm not getting too much old, I should find my companion. Otherwise, I'll be pitiful when growing older, won't I?"

It was the first time that Fiona talked about ladyboy in detail and grievance. He never said it to her before.

When facing beloved woman, any man didn't want to show his soft point, even if his own existence was a defect.

Though his body was incomplete, no one could eliminate his heart of man!


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