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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 324

Joey nodded in pain, "Yes. He doesn't know about it. I can't let him know. And don't let him know, please."

She would rather not know the truth in her life.

Originally Allen and her past was a very happy memory. But at the moment, it became the crime that corrupted morality, letting her feel guilty every time she thought of it!

Even death couldn't make a salvation.

She could undertake sufferings on her own and couldn't imagine what would happen to Allen if he knew the truth. Maybe he couldn't accept it and would be sadder than her. So he didn't need to know about the truth, and Joey would rather him thinking that she abandoned and betrayed him due to the fact that she loved the other man but not the fact which would let him bear the iniquity of the moral corruption.

Fiona felt sorry for her silliness and craziness. Furthermore, he was upset that Joey was crazy about someone but not him!

He didn't speak anything. No one could help Joey on this matter. What he could do was listen to her pains and sorrows…

Half an hour later, Martha finally rushed to the hospital and Paige came with her.

As soon as Martha came here, she was immediately asked to enter the emergency room while Paige was required to stay outside.

When Paige unexpectedly saw Joey waiting in the corridor, she shouted angrily at once, "There you are again. I know that my son will suffer staying with you. What have you done to my son? Why is he in need of blood transfusion? Tell me. What have you done?"

She shouted and pounced on Joey.

Fiona blocked her and then pushed her with his long arms. He pushed her away for a certain distance and coldly said, "Your son's nose was suddenly bleeding. It was nothing to do with us."

As Paige heard the words of "Nose was bleeding", she instantly got pale. Her face turned pale all of a sudden and she sank on the chair in the corridor. Her lips were trembling and didn't say any word.

"Nose bled ... Did Allen ... relapse ... "


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