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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 332

"You ... How do you know it?"

After a long time, Joey got her mind. She asked and quivered in a flurry.

"Remember that day when I confessed you and you refused me with some words. Those words were too strange and intriguing. What's more, every time Vivian appeared, you looked quite different and so did Vivian. I don't know what happened between you two people. Out of curiosity, I asked someone to look for some information. I was startled at knowing the truth. Vivian turned out to be your sister but she completely wiped out your presence towards my mother. She told lies about age and pretended to be you."

As Martin was speaking, his eyes were burning with anger. He was too furious as being cheated.

Martin hated Vivian at the beginning with no reasons. Maybe he just couldn't bear it to see her.

He wouldn't have been so patient with her if she didn't have relationship with his mom.

Now Martin knew that Vivian was a fake. He was both furious and glad. But at the same time, he had a mixed feeling about the fact that Joey was his halfblooded sister.

After listening to Martin, Joey nodded convincingly. The way in which Vivian pretended to be her had lots of loopholes. So she could check out the truth easily and so did observant person such as Martin.

After pondering for a moment, Joey said, "I won't be surprised as you find out the truth. All of the observant people can find it out. But ... Why are you so sure that I have blood relationship with Allen? Does your mother tell you that her elder daughter's father is George?"

Joey didn't believe Samantha would tell it to Martin as it was the toughest past Samantha wanted to bury. She didn't want to tell her beloved son, Martin, most. So Joey felt sure that Samantha had never told it. Then, the only possibility was that Martin was cheating her!


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