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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 379

In the next few days, the Charles family lived a quiet life and didn't have any disturbance because of Joey and Sharon's moving in.

And the only change was William. Since Sharon came to take care of him, William's gloomy eyes became clearer and clearer day after day, and he didn't look as dull as he was before. Even his face became ruddier. In the end, under Sharon's patient guidance, he was able to speak, although he was a bit stuttering, and could only say the simple words at a time.

When William's doctor heard this, he cried that it was a miracle!

It was rare for a man in his seventies like William to recover so quickly from a stroke. Once a man suffered from stroke, he could only lie in bed counting his days. It was such a miracle that William could recover so quickly.

Joey had to admire the power of love! It could be so magical and transcend age.

When George and Paige saw that Sharon could actually make William get better, they gradually accepted Sharon and became less wary of her.

Everything seemed to be heading for a better end, but only Joey knew that it was just a facade.

The sky was darkest before the dawn, and it was the calmest on the eve of a storm. Joey hadn't made any move because she was waiting for Sharon to take actions. Joey knew that Sharon would do something, but she was smart. She didn't hasten to make any move because she was waiting for a chance, a chance to beat everyone without anyone suspecting that she was the one who did it.

It was late at night!

On the bed, Allen was having a sweet time with Joey. He flirted with Joey's sensitive parts, making so Joey itchy and numb that she couldn't help giggling. And the giggling sound slowly turned into a soft gasp begging for mercy...

All of a sudden, there was a sudden loud noise downstairs, like a huge crystal thing were broken. It was so loud that even Joey and Allen could feel the earth was shaking, then faintly came Paige's hysterical roar.

The two people were taken aback, and stopped what they were doing, staring at each other for a while.

"What's the matter?" Joey asked, confused.

"I'll go down and see." Allen frowned.


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