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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 387

He wanted to believe that Chance was innocent, but he had overheard it clearly. Joey didn't seem to be lying. And her words reminded him of all the things that Chance had done for Lillian —— ever since she was born, Chance brought Lillian things every month, like a bed, a quilt, coats, skirts, socks, shoes, hats, towels, diapers, formula, feeding-bottles, toys —— everything a child could need. And every time Lillian got sick, he would come to treat her as long as Paige called him, whether it was in a hot sunny day or a rainy night.

In the past, George only thought Chance was repaying Paige and him for their kindness and he secretly praised that Chance was a filial kid. But now when he ponder about it, what Chance had done were far better than Lillian's father, Alan.

Although George regarded Chance as half his own son, he was not his own son after all. If Chance really did such a dirty thing, George would not only side with Allen, but also think Chance had an evil mind and wanted to mix the pure blood of the Charles family. If that was the case, he would definitely not forgive Chance.

"Martha, take Lillian's and Allan's hairs and go to another hospital for a paternity test. Joey, give Martha Chance's hair. Today, we have to make clear of what has happened."

George was rigorous and efficient. He had to know the answer of anything he wanted right away.

This time, Joey did not argue with him. She looked at Allen worriedly, who remained silent, and then handed over Chance's hair to Martha.

Chance knew that the truth could not be hidden any longer. Instead of waiting to be revealed by the final results, he would rather admit it now. Besides, he really did not have any relationship with Yolanda, which was his only chance to win George's forgiveness.

Chance glared at Joey and finally admitted, "No, I will tell you the truth. Lillian is not Allen's daughter. That night, Yolanda drugged Allen. They didn't sex because she had put too much dose on the drug so that Allen couldn't wake up. After they got married, Allen refused to have sex with Yolanda, and Yolanda was angry yet afraid. In order to keep Allen by her side, she thought of having a child. But she couldn't have a child by herself, so she came to me and asked me to make a test-tube baby for her, and then she told you that the child was conceived on that night. If you don't believe me, you can check the file, which was recorded by the hospital and I... I am just the sperm donor. I didn't have sex with Yolanda, so strictly speaking I didn't..."


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