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The Lord Mayor Falls in Love with Me novel Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Kissed by Force in the Kitchen

At ten o'clock in the evening, Joey dragged her tired body and returned to her small suite with Ben.

She couldn’t help but think of her crazy entanglement with Allen all the day. When she left, he asked her mobile number. But she deliberately told a fake number. Although he gave her a very good impression, she knew that they were totally different, and that entanglement will only make trouble to each other.

This time she came back, she was planning to pack things out of here and leave Ben.

However, when she pushed the door open, she could not help but froze in the same place.

"Dad, Mom, why you’re here?"

For a long time, Joey came to realize what happened. She was shocked and looked at the two old people sitting on the sofa in the hall. They are her parents who should have stayed in the countryside.

And her sister Vivian was lying in her mother’s arms.

Joey’s father got Joey to other side and said with smile, “Ben called us here. He said that he hoped we will have a good time in the city. Didn’t he tell you?”

Joey’s mother squinted at Joey, and said coldly, "Ben is so filial. You should hold tightly with such a good man. Remember don't let other woman steal your man. Otherwise you will cry to crazy. I think that I increasingly like Ben. I really hope that Vivian will find such a good man in the future."

Joey’s mother loved Vivian from an early age for no reason, and she was always cold for Joey. Even if Joey is more clever and obedient, Joey’s mother seemed to never think highly of her as the wayward and indulgent Vivian.

Vivian lied in mother’s arms and smiled happily. She took a provocative look at Joey and said, “Mom, you can rest assured that I will find a good man like my brother-in-law. Sister, will you support me?"

Joey was struck, and there was a scene in which Vivian and Ben were entangled in her mind. She looked back coldly at Vivian. The woman who stole her man now asked her if she supported her in turn. This sister is really brazen. .

As her parents are here, she’d better not quarrel with her. And she suddenly understood the intention of Ben calling her parents here. He clearly wanted to stop her from being angry and leaving here.

At least during the time when her parents were here, she could only pretend that nothing had happened.

“Where is Ben?”

Joey looked around the house, but did not see Ben's figure.

"My brother-in-law is in the kitchen. He said that today he wanted our parents to taste the food that he cooks."


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