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The Luna Trials by Marissa Gilbert novel Chapter 46

Chapter 46 Brigit ran through the maze using the path she had already tried before. She knew she couldn’ttrust anyone very well, and her own path was the safest.

The buildings of the Forgotten City started collapsing one by one way too fast, way too close …

To the point of her thinking that she wouldn't make it.

She finally reached the hardest part of the maze with the secret tiles and tried to hop from one to another, looking for the empty ones or the northernstars.

She was already so close to the wall that she could almost taste the safety.

However, at the last moment, a small hut not far from her exploded, pieces of stone flying in all directions, one of theheavy ones landing on one of the crescent tiles right next to her foot.

She had just a second to react before the poisoned arrows flew at her, and she ducked down, sliding over several tiles.

She knew it was bad before she stopped, and the ground started falling through under her as she activated oneof the silver pits.

The flower one.

The one that had sharp spikes at the bottom.

Desperate, Brigit grasped the edge of the wall, but one of her hands slipped.

This was the end.

She knew it had to be, and tears started stinging her eyes.

Everything was in vain…

Her fingers started giving in when a strong hand caught her wrist, not letting her fall to herdeath.

Brigit's first thought was that the white bears got her, and a chill went down her spine becauseshe had failed.

Failed, failed, failed.

Big time.

That was when the tingles erupted through her, and she wished it was one of the white bears.

"I've got you!" Aspen growled as he pulled her up to the surface.

He was so big, so warm, and he smelled like the northern mountains she loved so much.

"I've got you," he repeated as he pressed her against his body.

She didn't know if he was saying that to her or to himself, and she didn’t care.

Brigit heard explosions here and there, but they were dying down now.

Luckily, they were on safe turf now, and Aspen still held her in his arms.

His scent enveloped her; his well-trained hands were keeping her in place.

She should have pushed him away, freed himself from her, run away…but she did not want to.

She had dreamt of this her whole life.

This was what she wanted, what she desired the most.

This! She wanted to have a man who would love her unconditionally, who would belong to her and her alone.

She did not want to share; she did not want to fight for him, she did not want to beg forhis attention, she did not want to have to ask him for anything.

Brigit dreamt of a true mate, a fated one, who was born to make her happy.

For whom she would be enough.

And here he was, eager to claim her, eager to give her everything she ever wanted.

It was heartbreaking to know she couldn’t accept him.

"You are okay," he whispered into her hair, and she felt him placing a soft kiss on the top of her head.

Brigit leaned into his warm chest with her eyes closed.

Just for a moment.

Just this once…

She didn't know how long they stayed this way, but she did not want to move.

She knew that the moment she did, it would be over.

She would have to end this.

"We have survivors here!" they heard a loud voice, and she saw one of the northern warriors.

Aspen grunted, his hands pressing her tighter, but she tried to push him away, to distance herself from him.

He looked at her with fear in his eyes.

This huge block, the Gamma of the Northern Lycan King, was afraid.

He fought in many battles, faced countless enemies, he went into an exploding maze in a heartbeat…

and now he was afraid of her as if she was the only person in the entire world who could break him.

"I, Brigit Borg, reject you, Aspen Morr, as my mate." Her voice trembled, chest heaved from the inner pressure.

The air was suddenly hard to swallow, and she felt as if she was suffocating He looked at her.

Really looked at her.

"You don't want to do this," he stated, the pain still evident on his face.

"1, Brigit Borg, reject you-" she tried to say it louder this time, but the lycan in front of her stood up “I don’t buy it,” he said andoffered her his hand to help her up.

“Come back when you actually mean it.

I reject your rejection." She gave him a puzzled look at first, but then rage took over her.

Bridget slapped his hand away and rose on her own, storming as far away from him as she could…

A week passed, and everything changed.

The North was buzzing with the news of the White Bear King, who made his claim on the land after being silent for somany years.

"He has made his move, and it was a masterful one.” Gideon stated calmly as theysat in the Blue Spinel office of the Northern castle, the one used for bigger important meetings.

"He is still hiding and doesn't crawl out of his hideout,” kai retorted while pouring himself a drink.

Riannon and Savannah exchanged glances.

Their men were so stubborn.

"Just admit it!" Gideon looked at him as he leaned back in his chair.

“You screwed up when you blew this alliance.

You could have been married to Savannah already for months! “I could have been married to Savannah for years if not for your ego!” Kai retorted as they drilled eachother skulls with their eyes, each not ready to give up.

"It doesn't matter what happened in the past!" Savvy interjected, tapping her fingers on the top of theoak desk.

"What matters is that we are all here now, and we can form that alliance after all.” “Maybe you are right, Savvy, but the conditions havechanged!" The Western King smirked.

"Gideon, dear." Riannon's voice was like honey, taunting and soft.

But her glare told a different story.

“You need this alliance as much as I do.

If not more.” Kai reminded him.

"Weren't you the one who called me to talk about this?” “I dealt with the brother I had on my hands.

Now they are concentrating on the North.

Why don't wait for them to deal with you and then destroy them when they are weakened? “Gideon repeated almostexactly the words Kai said to him during their last meeting.

The irony wasn’t lost on the Northern King.

"Because your adorable little sister lives here?" Savvy chimed in, tired of them going back and forth.

"That's still under question!" Her brother shook his head, crossing his arms on his chest.

"It's not safe here, he can't protect you, the people here hate you now more than ever.

Savannah clenched her lips.

They all knew it was the truth.

The media has never been kind to her, but ever since they found out that Penelope died, while it was only her and Savannah in the temple, thingstook a turn for the worse.


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