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The Lycan King novel Chapter 89


Ava's eyes closed and I tightened my hold on her waist and her legs.

"He is your's to kill." I looked at Javier, motioning towards Maggot, before I left the cottage with my brave mate in my arms. I was in awe of her strength. I knew she would come, I knew she would come at least once before the eight days were up. But she still managed to shock me with the strength that she carried inside her. All of us were shocked.

And I saw something in her eyes today that gave me a realisation. I felt like I had been enlightened. She was done with her past now. She was done being the submissive, meek Avalyn she had been moulded into. Ava had broken out of that enclosure and was ready to metamorphose into the strong, confident and brilliant woman who will lead this world by my side. I just hope she recognises that too and will listen to me with an open mind this time around.

Halfway on our way to the cottage were staying, Ava's eyes fluttered open. Her hair turned back to brown and her eyes were back to the usual chocolate colour too. They glistened with tears.

"Don't cry." I said gently. She sniffed and nodded. She kept staring at me the entire time I looked straight ahead, not wanting to miss a single rock or a bump on the trail which would cause me to miss a step and hurt my precious cargo.

When we reached the cottage, I opened the door and entered. Tessa immediately jumped to her feet and closed the door behind me.

"Fill up the bathtub and then light up the fireplace in our bedroom." I told her and she meekly nodded before rushing upstairs.

"You can set me down now."

"Can I?" I raised my brows and then gently placed her down when she nodded.

She missed a step and my hands automatically shot out to grab her waist.

"Maybe not." She bit her lip and looked up at me with her wide, doe shaped eyes. Vulnerability shone through them, tugging at my heart.

I captured her lips in a bruising kiss. Sparks coursed through my entire body and I picked her up again. Her legs wound around my waist and her arms around my neck. I gripped the flesh of her ass and squeezed.

She moaned into my mouth, her fingers gripping and pulling my hair. I lost control. This entire week, I've been soft with her. But now that she has put Vermin and everything related to her past where it belonged?? in the past, she has risen from her past self's ashes like a fiery phoenix. She has moved on. She isn't on the edge anymore. She is totally and completely free. From Vermin and her nightmares.

Good fucking riddance.

I feasted on her, her jaw, her neck, my mark as I carried her upstairs.

A throaty moan left her mouth before her nose dug in the juncture between my neck and my shoulder, where her mark will be. I won't ask her to mark me. I want her to want to do it. Just like I did. And she will, one day. She just isn't the possessive type. One of the many things I love about her.

Her nails scratched along my back, drawing blood and then she took a deep breath.

"Tonight, Nikolai. You will fuck me," she groaned and nipped my earlobe. "Enough with the early morning shit."

I've never heard sweeter words.

I growled and slammed her against the wall and tore her bloody top and sucked on her glorious breasts. Her fingers gripped my hair as she pulled and I groaned. Goddess, I'll never get enough of this woman. And then she started trailing kisses along my jaw and neck.

Suddenly, she gagged. "The blood tastes disgusting."

I laughed. "I quite enjoy the sight of it on you." There were multiple streaks of blood on her face.

She unlocked her legs and slid down. "Shower." She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bathroom and I followed like the lovesick puppy I had become because of her.

She pulled us under the shower and turned it on before she started unbuttoning my jeans. Our hands worked fast to undress each other. Once I had her underwear off I picked her up and pushed her against the wall before I buried myself under her.

She moaned loudly.

I grabbed her legs and hitched her higher before I thrust inside her again, harder than ever.

"Fuck." She screamed harder. I grinned. I moulded her breasts as I shot in and out of her, hard and fast.

Her feet slipped down and I squeezed her nipple. Both of us groaned. Freezing water fell over us but we didn't care. She tugged at me hair and clawed at my chest and shoulder.

"May I come?" She gripped my shoulders.

"Yes." I growled before I pumped harder and pulled out and shot my load on her chest and abdomen and pussy. "Oh Nik." Her legs trembled and barely held on to me as she came forcefully and loudly, chanting my name.

"Fucking hell," her head rolled and dropped to my shoulder and her fingers dug deep into my back. I held her tight to make sure she wouldn't fall. She was breathing hard by the time she finished.

She slid down my body and planted her feet on he floor before her arms encircled my waist and her head rested on my chest. I turned the water warm and caressed the back of her head, marvelling how her hair turned to silver and brown again and again as I touched them. "We need to talk, Nikolai." She said softly.

"Yes, we do." I nodded. I wondered what she wanted to tell me and how I will tell her what I had realised. Like last time, I don't want her to agree to me just to make me happy. I want her to want to do it.

We took a quick but thorough shower, making sure no blood or smell remained on us before we moved to the bathtub. It was a small, circular wooden thing. It was?much?smaller than any bathtub I had seen but it seemed of a normal size for a person of average height. I was six foot seven, packed with muscles and well over two hundred pounds. There was no way both of us could fit.

Ava gave crinkled her nose, "finally a good thing about being a midget."

I laughed. "Five foot four isn't a midget, Love. And I love your hight, okay? It gives me the opportunity to feel like a big, bad Alpha and makes me feel strong enough to protect you." I picked her up and placed her in the tub. "It helps me do things like this easily."

"In our world it is.?Everyone?is taller than me." She pouted and settled in the hot water, getting comfy. "I can never look down on anyone like you do."

"You want to be tall so you can look down on people?" I chuckled.

"It's a useful skill to have." She giggled.

"True." I agreed. "Now shift. I'm coming in."

Her eyes widened at that. "You won't fit!"

"That's what she said." I winked. She splashed me with water, "you mean me!" She whined jokingly, "that's what?I?said." She scooted and I stepped inside and sat down.

"Possessive? I like it." I winked and I sat up straight and rested my elbows on the edge and I had to dangle my legs out of the edge, on either side of Ava. I smirked at her triumphantly.

Ava gave me a minx-like smile and crawled on top of me like a kitten, her eyes glowing. She settled on my lap and placed her hands on my chest. My hands went to her waist to feel her buttery skin. I've never touched a skin softer than her's. "What did you want to talk about?"

Her hands kept wandering around my body?? my chest, abs, shoulders, biceps??touching, feeling, squeezing. I kept looking at her lazily, relishing her admiring gaze and touch.

"You're perfect, Nikolai." She started softly. "Nothing you do is wrong. Everything is planned??well thought out. You have a temper but it is never misplaced and you don't lash out like I do. You make hundreds of decisions every day that affect hundreds of lives and all of them are right too??mostly. We have different philosophy on many things because of which I think not all of them are right. And you make many decision about us,?for?us, for?me?and I truly believe that all of them are right. But I want to make my decisions on my own. And when it comes to us, I want us to make decisions?together. I can't guarantee that they will be right or perfect. We may fight because we believe in different things, both of us can and most probably?will?get angry. I might lash out too. But I want you to let me do it and give me the opportunity to let me make my mistakes and learn from them."

My fingers thread through her wet hair and I brought her face closer to mine and kissed her, "I wanted to tell you the same thing thing."

She backed up a little, "I want to help with our pack too. I don't want to remain a Luna just in name like I am right now. I want to contribute like everyone else does. This past week that I've been helping Papa made me realise that I?can?do it and I have a lot more potential. I?know?I can do it. You don't need to do everything anymore. And I know it won't be the smartest decision to hand over everything directly but maybe...you can teach me. I don't want to the kind of Luna who sits on her ass and is handed everything she desires and more. And I..I want..." she let out a breath, unable to find words for what she wanted to say.

"I understand, Ava." I caught both her hands in my own. "I know what you are trying to tell me. Because I wanted to tell you the same thing. I saw something in you today that made me realise your strength, your potential. And I promise I'll do everything to help you become the Luna you dream of becoming."

She bit her lip, "thank you." She played with my fingers before she traced the veins on my hands. "But does this mean you'll not spank me? Or dominate me?"

"What do?you?want?" I flipped the question on her. To be honest, I liked that part of our relationship, I liked being dominant in bed and being in control and I know she liked it too. But if that's not what she wanted, then that was it. It wouldn't happen.

She looked up at me expectantly. "No." She whispered. "I hate it."?What??She?hates?it? But I thought she liked it, loved even! Did I get it wrong? Was she going on with it for my sake?

And then she burst out into laughter. "I'm joking, Nikolai. You look like I've just kicked your puppy." She laughed again, the sound calming me. "You know I?love?it! And I don't?ever?want that to change. You know I like it rough. I?literally?can't cum without a little rush of pain."

"I knew it." I tickled her sides and she tried to squirm away from me, giggling melodiously, but I held on to her tighter. "Also, no punishments from now, okay?"

Her laughter subsided and she grew serious. "I'm terrified of making a mistake and affecting so many lives because of it. If there is no fear of repercussion, I'm afraid I'll become... careless."

"Being scared is a good thing, Ava. You'll be more careful?because?of it. And there are always repercussions of your actions. If I don't think something is right, I'll let you know, if the people don't like something, they will voice out. But I doubt it'll ever come to that. Your head and heart are in good place and that's what matters."

"And what happens when I get angry? I don't think I'll get better at controlling myself very easily or quickly."

"We'll get to it when we get to it. We'll figure something out. And punishment doesn't come until?after?you calm down anyways. And now, it just won't come." I shrugged.

"And you can always get mad at me later," she gave me a mischievous smile and bit my lip, "and then I can explore more ways to get you to forgive me."

I groaned and cupped her butt. "I like that. In fact, why don't you practice right now?"

She began by placed butterfly kisses along my jaw and then my neck. A low moan escaped my mouth when I felt her tongue. My hands gripped her thighs as I tried to regain control. She scooted down to trail wet kisses down my sternum.

Chapter 89. Love Yourself 1

Chapter 89. Love Yourself 2


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