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The Lycan King novel Chapter 90


When I woke up next morning, Nik was already gone. But then it was nine in the morning. This was by far the most I've slept in a while.

I got out of bed and stretched my limbs, a huge smile gracing my features. Last night was... last night was hands down one of our most memorable nights.

I went the washroom and took a quick warm shower, soothing my sore muscles. Life is good.

When I stepped out, I saw Tessa in the room and a pile of clothes in her hand. "For you, Mistress."?

"Thank you, Tessa." I grinned. I was in a very good mood this morning.

"You're very welcome, Mistress. I'll go make your breakfast. Do you need anything?" She looked very worried.

"Why are you so worried?" I took off my bathrobe and started wearing the clothes she had got me.

"I was very scared for you last night, Mistress." Deep concern was etched on your features. "I don't ever want you to have to go through pain. Especially under the hands of the man you love so much." She whispered the last part.


"You were screaming so much last night." She whispered, her hand over her heart. "Does Alpha Nikolai really punish you? I thought that only happens between Masters and slaves."

I clutched her hands in mine and squeezed lightly. "Let me assure you that everything that happened last night was amazing. And the screams that must have scared you were of pleasure. Of extreme, outer-worldly??" I stopped myself from saying too much. "You?know?Nik would?never?hurt me."

She let out a breath of relief. "I know, Mistress. He loves you very much. Anyone with or without eyes can see that. But I just got scared."

"The last thing you need to do is worry about me, especially when I'm with Nik. And I can take care of myself. Mostly." I added when I realised that Nik would be the first one to argue about it. And then I grinned at her. "Go make me breakfast." I swatted her behind playfully. "I'll have egg toasts and bacon."

She jumped, her eyes wide and a blush rose on her cheeks. "Yes, Mistress." And then she ran out of there.

I let out a chuckle. She still needed to get out of her shell.

I combed my hair and I decided that I loved the waves that were created because I braided it when my hair was wet.

When I finally went downstairs, I took a seat at the small dining table beside the kitchen and watched Tessa cook quickly and efficiently.

The door swung open and Max stepped in with a devious grin. "I smell food." He picked up an apple while Tessa was still preparing our breakfast.

"So...last night." Max said with the biggest smirk om his face.

"Shut up." A blush rose on my cheek. I mean I know we were loud??okay, I was loud, judging by Tessa's reaction. But I wasn't?that?loud. And while his cottage was the closest one to our's, it was still a considerable distance away.

Nikolai had taken the handcuffs from Max. Bad idea. Max never failed on giving shit to other people just for the fun of it. And it wasn't much later when I realised that you should never really take him seriously. All you would be is greatly offended or annoyed.

"That's not what you were doing last night. I distinctly heard some screams." His eyes twinkled.

"What?" Was I really that loud? Now I know why our bedroom back in Silverwitch Bay was soundproof. In fact, all the bedrooms there were soundproof.

"Don't worry. I was a gentleman. I made Talia scream loud enough to drown your's. So, you know, we wouldn't hear you two." He picked up an egg toast from the plate Tessa just placed in front of me.

I could feel the heat flowing in my cheeks. "Can you not?" I whined.

"So you?wanted?us to hear you?" I hope he chokes on that toast.

"No! That's not what I meant!" I covered my face. "You know what? Shut up!" And then I stuffed my mouth with the toast so I was saved from speaking and making a bigger fool of myself.

"Never." He grinned another wide grin.

I kicked his leg under the table and pulled my legs up on the seat. I folded my legs and gave him an angelic grin.

And then suddenly my chair rocked and then I felt the time slow down and my eyes bulged when the chair tipped over and I fell backwards.

For a second, silence reigned and I kept staring at the ceiling, before we both registered what just happened.

He freaking kicked my chair!

And then came his unabashed, booming laughter.

I jumped off the chair and lunged on him. "You- you hairless monkey!" I started punching him and he cracked up again, not in the least affected by my attacks.

"Hairless monkey?" He choked on his laughter. "Best thing I've heard in a while." He wheezed.

I was about to slap his chest but he caught my hand.

That's when the door opened.

"Babe! Avalyn is abusing me!" Max whined.

"Nat! Max is harassing me!" I whined too.

She sighed and shook her head, tired of us already. "What are you both? Twelve?"

"On a scale of one to ten, yes." We both said together and then high- fived each other, laughing at Nat's frustrated sigh.

"So Nat. We heard you last night." I grinned. She was going to take my shit if I couldn't shit Max.

"Oh, really? It's funny because all we did last night was sleep." She took a bottle of water out of the fridge and downed half of it.

I glared at Max and he cracked up again. He was laughing way to much today morning.

"I am going to kill you." I hissed at him.

"Who is going to kill whom?" Nik swung open the door and stepped in along with Dimitri and Papa.

All three of them, along with Nat had come from training.

"Avalyn is going to kill Max." Nat said flatly and picked up another toast.

"Wow. I'm really feeling the love, Talia." Max rolled his eyes.

"It's amusing that you waste so much of your energy when you can simply shut his trap, Love." Nik popped a kiss on my forehead before he grabbed three bottles of water, tossing one to Dimitri and one to Papa who looked thoroughly amused.

"Hell n??nngg," I gave Max a shit eating grin. He glared at Nik before giving me a pleading look.

He motioned with his fingers that he will zip his lips and then he loved me and then begged me. Getting tired of his dramatic ways, which could give tough competition to Dimitri too, I unfroze his tongue.

"You know when we were young, Kol was drinking water from a pond in his wolf form and a fish bit him on his tongue. He couldn't eat or talk for four hours." Max flipped Nik off.

"That didn't happen!" Nik whacked Max over his head.

"That did happen." Dimitri snickered. "Best four hours of my life."

"Oh yeah?" Nik raised his brows and then both the men got into a playful fight.

"Immature pups. The lot of them." Nat sighed and settled on the table, having a a toast from the new batch Tessa made.

"Pup, huh?" Max pulled Nat off her chair. "Nothing?about me is small." And then put her over his shoulder. "I think you need a reminder." And then slapped her ass as he made a move towards the door. "And we'll make do without the handcuffs Avalyn borrowed from us last night." And then slammed the door shut behind himself.

That smug monkey!

My wide eyes snapped to Papa. The water he had just drank sprayed out of his mouth. He started coughing before Dimitri thumped his back and he coughed a couple of times himself too??which sounded a lot like muffled laughter.

My cheeks heated as I was unable to meet Papa's eyes. "I -I, um...he...uhh." I shut my mouth and covered my face with my hands.

"That was information I could live without." He muttered before he too, left.

"Handcuffs?" Dimitri grinned.

"Not you too." I groaned. I've dealt with enough embarrassment for today.

"Fat chance." He commented after thinking about it a great deal and then turned to Nikolai. "You've never used handcuffs on me!"

"Get out." Nik threw a bottle at his head.

"That's it! I'm breaking up." He huffed and walked to the door. "There is only a certain amount of ignorance and disrespect a man can deal with." And then he left, slamming the door behind him.?

"You are never asking anything from anyone again." I pointed at Nik.

"You weren't complaining last night."

"You have no idea how much Max tortured me today." I whined and we both sat at the table, finally having a peaceful breakfast.

"How about I make it up to you?" Nik asked.

"Will you use the handcuffs again?" I asked. I actually really liked being tied up.

It feels so good to finally being able to accept that I like something and not feel ashamed of my kinks.

"I think your mind is in the gutter, Love." Nik's eyes glowed at my train of thought. "I was thinking we could go for a run."

"That's not the kind of exercise I was looking for but fine." I said slyly but got up anyways.

Chapter 90. Waterfall 1

Chapter 90. Waterfall 2

Chapter 90. Waterfall 3


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