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The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon) novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62
I woke up with a gasp from a nightmare. I dreamed that I was in the fire and I couldn’t get out. It was terrifying and by the time I woke up, I was extremely tired and spent.. I dragged myself out of bed and took a much needed shower before exiting the room. Jaxon’s scent had faded a little so I knew he left the room a while ago and I was determined to find him.
The first place I checked was Kiara’s room but she was fast asleep and Jaxon was nowhere to be seen. I went to his office next and he was seated on his chair wearing the same clothes as yesterday. He must have left the room while I was asleep and not come back all night. He didn’t look up when I walked in or shut the door behind me but I knew that he was aware of my
I crossed the length of the room until I was standing directly next to him. I peered over his shoulder to see what he was doing and although 1 didn’t understand most of it, I could see the blueprints of the house that had burned down as well as the documents signifying everyone who lived there. There were a few names marked in red and I assumed those were the people who had died.
“Four people,” he said suddenly and I turned to him in confusion. “Two women, one man and one little girl died in that fire, There was also a cat and a goldfish according to a little boy. There were four casualties and over twenty people now without
I opened my mouth to speak but no words would come out. All could do was offer my silent support so I reached out and placed my hand over his. He wasted no time in intertwining our fingers and he brought my knuckles up to his lips to press a small kiss against it. I squeezed his hand in silent solidarity to let him know that I was there for him.
“Do you have any idea how the fire started?” I asked after a beat of silence. “Maybe if we can find out how it started we can find out who started it and pin Noxian for it.”
“Someone poured lighter fluid in the basement and the fire started from there. I already tried to pin Noxian for it but apparently he was in his pack for the entirety of yesterday and he has witnesses and video evidence to prove that.”
is that even possible? He is the only one who could have burned down that house. He is the only one with a motive to do so.” Jaxon hesitated before responding and I knew he had a speculation. “What is it?”
“If Noxian didn’t do it himself then he might have someone on the inside- someone in the pack that did it for him. Maybe at spy or an ally, someone he gave the order to do his dirty work.”
I didn’t want to believe it but the more he spoke, the more I realized he could be right. It was the only logical explanation as to how he could have burned down the house and been at his park at the same time. The idea that anyone in the pack could and would work with him was heartbreaking to say the least and it was the last thing I wanted to imagine.
“Do yo
you have any suspects?” I asked finally. “Do you think it was someone who lived there or someone else?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “I have gone over every file on everyone who lived in that building but I can’t see anyone who stands out. The CCTV cameras in the building were disabled a few minutes before the fire started so I can’t tell who went in and out during that time.”
He ran his free hand through his hair in frustration and I could tell that he was tired of the entire thing. I could not imagine the stress on his shoulders and I felt directly responsible for it. My guilt did not allow me form any words for fear that I would simply make matters worse.
“We have to visit the survivors today.” Jaxon said suddenly and I turned to him. “We need to figure out a living situation for them and offer our official condolences.”
Despite the storm churning in my stomach, I nodded. “I should get changed then.”
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11:16 Sat, May 18 M.
Chapter 62
Jaxon was adamant that we have breakfast first but I could barely stomach more than two bites. There was a cord acting like a noose and wrapping itself around my neck. I tried to smile through the pain but it was ever present and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
During breakfast, Jaxon explained to Kiara that we would be out and she would spend her day with Nadia. She seemed excited and for a split second, I wished I could be a child again so I wouldn’t have to worry about anything. I would not have to worry about pack disputes and stupid Alphas who could not take no for an answer. I could be happy and free and without a care in the world.
Jaxon and I left as soon as we finished breakfast. Aiden went with us and the car ride was tense and quiet. Jaxon told me that they were staying at the general pack house. There were a few rooms there and he had given them accommodation there for the night. I had never been to the pack house before and I had no idea what to expect. It was a large building with at least five floors.
The walls were made from red bricks and it had a cottage feel to it. The inside was large and I was shocked to see the number of people seated there. I had expected to see at most twenty people but there had to be at least fifty people. I stumbled back in shock and Jaxon placed a comforting hand on the small of my back. I looked up at him and he grimaced slightly as if to say he understood.
I didn’t know if they were all from the building or if some of their family and friends were here. Regardless, I was shocked by the amount of people who had been affected by that tragedy. I forced myself to square my shoulders and make my way further into the house. Jaxon never once left my side and I was grateful because if not for him, I would have fallen to my knees in a heap.
All eyes were on us as we made our way through. I didn’t know where we were going but I trusted that Jaxon had everything planned. We made our way towards the middle of the room and jaxon cleared his throat. Immediately, the entire room fell silent and everyone was staring at us in anticipation to hear what Jaxon had to say.
“Before we start, I would like to offer my condolences,” Jaxon began. “Firstly to the families that were lost and the people who were affected by the tragedy. The palace stands with you and we share in your grief. We will do everything to make sure we find the cause of the fire and in the meantime, you are welcome to stay in the pack house for as long as you want.”
He nodded to let them know he was done and whispers began. I was confused as to why he didn’t let them know the fire was started immediately and the moment he turned to me, I whispered the question to him.
“The last thing we need to do is incite panic,” he explained. “For now, we just speak to them and offer our condolences then we can leave.”
I nodded to let him know I understood and he reluctantly pulled away from me. I looked around and noticed that everyone was staring at me with varied levels of interest. I looked around the room and saw a familiar face at the end of the room. I made my way over to Kieran who was seated cross legged on the floor while playing with a toy train.
“Hey Kieran,” I said and he looked up at me. “Is your grandma around? I can’t see her anywhere.”
“She went to the bathroom.”
As if on cue, I saw her walk into the room. She saw me and awareness filled her features. I offered her a kind smile which she returned as she took a seat next to me. She glanced between Kieran and I and I knew that she wanted to tell me something but she didn’t want him to overhear.
“Kieran, is it okay if I talk to your grandma?” I asked and he shrugged as if he couldn’t be bothered.
and made our way a few feet away where we could keep our eyes on him but far away that he couldn’t hear what we were talking about.
We stood up
“Have you decided when you’re leaving?” I asked and she shook her head. “I haven’t spoken to Jaxon yet about finding him a
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11:16 Sat, May 18
Chapter 62
good home but I will as soon as possible.”
“I feel like I’m doing a terrible thing by leaving him. Do you think I should stay and raise him? I spent the entire night thinking about it. I told him that his mother wasn’t returning and he doesn’t fully understand the concept of death but he still isn’t taking it well,” she laughed humorlessly. “I’m sorry, I’m bothering you with my problems.”
“I don’t mind.” I assured her. “I don’t think I am in the right position to tell you what to do because I am not in your shoes. Just sleep over it and no matter what you decide, Kieran will be in good hands. I can assure you of that.”
She sighed deeply and gave me a smile that looked more like a grimace. “Thank you, for everything
“I did nothing.”
She hesitated before speaking her next words. “Does he know? The king that is
“Does he know what?”
She c*cked her head to the side and awareness filled her eyes. She shook her head and pulled me closer then looked around to make sure that no one was eavesdropping into our conversation.
“You don’t know either, do you?” she hesitated as if unsure of whether she should speak her next words. “You’re pregnant.”
I scrunched my brows in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I worked as a healer for most of my life. I have been around all sorts of people in my life and I know the scent of a pregnant woman anywhere. It is one of the few skills that we werewolves have that lycan don’t. I don’t know how it works but there’s a certain scent and you have it.”
“You think I’m pregnant.”
“I know you are,” she clarified. “But I think you should take a pregnancy test to be sure.”
I wanted to ask some more questions but Aiden walked over to us. “Jaxon is asking for you,”
I glanced back at the old woman and she gave me a small smile and a bow. “Have a good day, your majesty.”
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