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The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon) novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63
We spent the entire day at the pack house talking to and comforting the guests. Most people wanted to know how and why the fire started but Jaxon made sure to steer every conversation away from that topic. I mainly sat with the women and children because those were the only people I could bear to meet their eyes. The entire time, I felt like someone would stand up and point fingers at me while announcing that it was my fault.
It wasn’t until we got into the car that I allowed myself to let out a sigh of relief. Jaxon was supposed to seat in front with Aiden but he chose to sit next to me in the back seat and pulled me into his side. I caught Aiden’s eye in the mirror and he gave me a small smile.
“How do you me, Freya,”
feel?” Jaxon asked as he stroked my hair in a comforting manner. I hummed but didn’t say anything. “Talk to
“I’m just relieved that no one said it was my fault,” I chuckled awkwardly. “I’m scared that someone will realize that Noxian is behind this and figure out that it’s my fault.”
“It isn’t your fault, I had not expected Aiden to speak with such conviction and righteous anger. “There is only one fault for everything that is happening Freya, and I can guarantee that person is not you.”
person at
My eyes watered because in my self pity, I had forgotten that I had the best family around me. I relied on just Jaxon forgetting that Aiden would always have my back. I tried to wipe away my tears discreetly but Jaxon had already noticed and he pressed a soft kiss to my lips. When he pulled away, I glanced up to the mirror and gave Aiden a watery smile.
“No evil act goes unpunished Freya, remember that. You may not believe that now but I do and I guarantee that you will at the end of the day,” Aiden spoke without meeting my eyes.
The rest of the drive home was silent and Jaxon held me impossibly close. He just ran his hand down my arm repeatedly until we got into the palace. Aiden disappeared to do whatever Aiden does but I wanted to see Kiara. I wanted to hold my daughter in my arms and know that she was safe. I spoke to the mother of the little girl who died and she was an absolute wreck.
When I got to Kiara’s room, she was seated cross legged on the floor with Nadia. She squealed and threw herself into my arms when she saw me. All the tension bled out of my body as I held her close and inhaled her scent. She buried her face into my neck and started mumbling some words about her day but I couldn’t hear anything over the sheer relief of having her in my arms.
“Mummy, are you listening?” she asked snapping me out of my thoughts and I nodded. She cocked her head to the side assessing whether she believed me or not but she seemed to believe me because she shrugged and wiggled for me to put down.
She rushed over to Jaxon who was wholly transfixed on her and turned to Nadia who was packing up her things. I made my way over to her and she jumped slightly when she noticed me standing next to her. She started to bow but I held out a hand to stop her.
“Thank you for coming whenever we call,” I began realizing that I had never thanked her before. I couldn’t imagine how inconvenient it was to be at our beck and call. “If there is anything you need, don’t hesitate to ask.
“Oh no, please, you both have done more than enough,” she looked bewildered that Feven offered. “His majesty paid for my siblings education and he pays me more than I would ever make doing any other job. It is my pleasure to be here.”
I was shocked because Jaxon had never told me that. I glanced at him over my shoulder and he gave me a small smile as if he knew what we were talking about. I turned back to Nadia who had finished packing up her things.
“I should get going,” she bowed and was out of the room in a second.
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11:16 Sat, May 18 7 M.
Chapter 63
We stayed with Kiara for the better part of half an hour until duties dragged us away from her. I never wanted to be the kind of parent who was swamped with work and never had time for her child but it seemed like that was the kind of life I was forced to live due to the circumstances. It was frustrating and I wanted Noxian to pay for putting me in that position.
I had no idea where Jaxon was taking me but I trusted him to lead me. He took me into his office and when I got there, Aiden was already there with that laptop in his hands. I immediately glanced at Jaxon in confusion because I had no idea that he planned to speak to Noxian. Had he found something to tie him to the crime?
“We need to confront him and see what he says and how he reacts.” Jaxon explained more to me than anyone else. “I have been thinking about this for a while and it makes no sense why Moxian does not take credit for what he has done.”
“You did say something about lycan laws,” I offered up. “It could be a matter of self preservation.”
“I don’t think that’s it.”
“I just want it to be on record that I am against this. I feel like talking to him will only make things worse,” Aiden cut in and he waited for Jaxon to acknowledge his words. When there was silence, he sighed. “At least I tried my best.”
This time, I didn’t sit in Jaxon’s lap. There was an extra chair right next to his that I took as we waited for the call to connect. There was no prior arrangement so we were uncertain whether he would answer although I was fairly sure he would. Noxian had a large ego and he would never decline a call from the most powerful man in the world.
On the fourth ring, the call connected and Noxian looked like the epitome of ease as he sat reclined in a chair. There was a cigar between his lips and 1 cringed as he blew the smoke out of his mouth before smiling.
“This is a surprise,” he drawled. “Is there something I can help you with or did you call simply because you wanted to see
I stayed silent because I didn’t know Jaxon’s strategy. He also stayed silent but I didn’t know his reasoning behind that. The silence seemed to annoy Noxian who sat up unable to hide the annoyed look on his face.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?” he asked finally
“It is an incredibly stupid decision to attack a lycan’s pack,” Jaxon said getting straight to the point and I saw confusion take over Noxian’s features. “You put my pack members in danger so consider this an official warning because the next time you do so, it will be your head on the line.”
“While I do appreciate being accused of wicked things, I have no idea what you’re talking about. If I were to attack your pack, you would never see it coming. From where I’m standing, it looks like you have more enemies than you can count.”
He spoke with such pride that I wasn’t sure whether or not to believe him. He looked genuinely confused when Jaxon mentioned the attack but Noxian had always been good at pretending.
“I have been at my pack for the past few days and I have people who can prove that to you,” Noxian continued. “Why don’t you start by checking the people within-”
He was cut off by the screen going blank. Aiden rushed over to the laptop but it didn’t matter what he did, he couldn’t get the call to connect again. I ran my hand down my forehead in frustration.
“The bastard hung up on us,” Aiden growled. “He probably wanted to make a dramatic exit or some shit. I knew this was a
bad idea”
“Not exactly.” Jaxon said and we all turned to him. “I have an idea but I won’t say anything until it is finalized. For now, increase the patrol around the borders and residential areas. I don’t want any more surprises from Noxian”
Aiden looked like he wanted to say more but he hesitated at the last moment, nodded and walked out of the room leaving
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11:16 Sat, May 18 7 M.
Chapter 63
Jaxon and I alone. I opened my mouth to ask more questions but Jaxon spoke before I could.
“I know what you want to say but I need you to trust me on this one. Can you do that?” I nodded and he pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I promise you that everything will be fine, I’ll fix it.”
I wanted to believe him, I really did but he looked completely worn out and tired. He looked like he was shouldering too much and there were already dark circles around his eyes. Somehow, I felt like this was just the beginning.
Jaxon had to go back to work so I did what I did best. I baked. I needed a way to get my mind off everything so I settled in the kitchen and worked until my back hurt and my fingers cramped from kneading but I had an assortment of pastries in front of me. I was sure that everyone could smell the pastries from every corner of the palace but I didn’t care. I was searching for a particular kind of relief and I didn’t get it.
Aiden walked into the kitchen while I was cleaning up. He stole a cookie from the ones I had made and relaxed against the counter as he watched me. He stole another one and when I didn’t react, he pouted.
“Stealing isn’t fun if the person you’re stealing from isn’t bothered.”
“It’s not stealing if I made it for anyone and everyone- you included,” I deadpanned and he rolled his eyes.
“Are you okay? You only bake when you’re stressed,” he began then face palmed. “What am I saying, of course you’re stressed. Everything will be fine, Jaxon will figure things out like he always does. He is king for a reason.”
“I know that.” I hesitated before continuing. I moved closer and dropped my voice to a whisper before speaking. “I just feel like this time is different.”
He sighed and wrapped his arm and around my shoulders. “I think you need to rest. I can finish up here and I’ll make sure to take some cookies to Jaxon as well.”
“Are you sure?”
“Go, Freya, you may not be doing the physical work but that doesn’t mean that what you’re doing is stressful as hell.”
I hesitated but from the look in Aiden’s eyes, I knew he wasn’t going to budge so I sighed and let all the stress bleed out of my shoulders.
“Thank you,” I whispered and he shook his head.
“No, thank you.”
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