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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 19



His words surprise me, and he takes a step back. He’s backing down?

“Alright?” I ask, unable to hide the surprise from my voice.

He raises an eyebrow. “You don’t want to listen then fine; we’ll move on. You might be a werewolf, but we can get muscle cramps, even if it's momentarily, warming up is ideal, but it’s your call.”

I wasn’t expecting that… I step back, wondering how he combatted his ego.

“I’m surprised you backed down.”

“Is it that surprising?” He asks, a hand to his chin as he observes me.

“Yeah, since you’re an Alpha…” I say trying not to pay attention to his Adam’s apple.

He raises one of those eyebrows of his, his smouldering eyes burning into me.

“Being an Alpha doesn’t only mean walking around and displaying arrogance, there’s far more to being an Alpha… Above all an Alpha’s duty is to protect. I genuinely want to help you to attain control.”

My heart thuds as I stare at him, he’s getting under my skin again and as much as I want to lash out so he doesn’t see that side, a part of me wonders what would happen if he actually finds a way?

I don’t know, I mean everyone has tried…

“I don’t think you’ll be able to help me.” I say quietly, dropping onto the floor and doing a few stretches. I can feel him watching me and so I lift my legs straight up and hold the position for a few seconds, so he can’t see my face.

“What makes you say that? We haven’t even tried.” He asks as he drops to the floor, heck even that looks sexy, and does a few stretches himself. I look up at him, and a few strands that have escaped his hair tie fall in front of his eyes.

“No one has succeeded, not Mama, not Dad, my brother…”

Ok, I didn’t even let Dante try, because I hate how he hits too close to home, I hate that he probably knows what I’m feeling inside. Avoiding any serious conversation with Dante is my favourite pastime, well that and annoying the heck out of him.

‘Face your demons Sky, and everything else will fall into place.’

That was enough to shut him out.

I don’t want to face my issues, I always fail…

“Maybe because they are family, and you don’t want to share what’s going on deep inside or the expectations… I get how it is when you’re not the perfect child. There are things that trigger you Skyla, we just need to get to the bottom of what they are.”

“And what makes you think I’ll be telling you Golden Boy- I mean sir.” I smirk, but I can’t deny his words are getting to me.

“I can’t force you, but what you do tell me won’t go past me Skyla. Regardless of what they are.” He says quietly as he stands up and I find my gaze dipping to his package.

I look away smoothly, thinking I tried to open up to one person… but even he just suddenly bailed. Sure he messaged now… but still.

I stand up and cross my arms, as he observes me.

“We’ll see.” I say simply.

“Usually when you fight, you start off in control, it’s when things begin getting competitive that you begin to lose control, correct?”

My eyes flash and I see that sharp look in his eyes again. Why does he look at me like that? It makes me uneasy.

He’s waiting for an answer, and so I shrug.

“I just get angry.”


“Are you a councellor?” I shoot back.

“No, I’m just trying to figure you out.” He replies.

“Don’t.” I say quietly, turning away when he takes hold of my elbow, his grip is firm but it’s not a rough hold.

“Why not?” He asks quietly.

I look over my shoulder at him, hating the direction this conversation is going and I hate that I don’t have an answer.

“Because you won’t be able to figure me out, Royce Arden… Someone like you will never get it.” I say quietly, looking into his grey eyes. He’s frowning as he holds my gaze.

“Don’t judge me without even knowing me.” He responds quietly.

Without even knowing me…

I’m used to being judged, but I hated letting anyone close. I’m not going to let anyone in. I can’t.

“I’m not judging, just saying you’re never going to know-”

“The real Skyla Rossi? Don’t challenge me, Love, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.” He counters confidently.

My heart skips a beat, feeling a wave of nostalgia wash over me, but I push it away.


“Well, how about we spar, when you feel like it’s getting too much and your anger starts to get the better of you, we call time out, alright?”

“Ok.” I agree, shaking my head. Fine, I can try to do this. I glance around. The place is entirely deserted. Something I did notice when I came but I expected others to come in. After all, the place is damn huge. “How come it’s empty?”

“We don’t need spectators. During our sessions, no one will be allowed to enter.” He says as he falls into his stance.

“Mm, sounds pretty ideal, for a lot of stuff.” I wink at him, but he simply cocks a brow. “Do you not know how to take a joke?”

“Inappropriate ones by my student? No.” He says.

So, with others, you’re ok to joke.

For some reason, that just makes me feel a pang of jealousy.


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