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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 20


It's two days later and the day the Lycan King himself is coming to the school. I'm sitting in my office mulling over yesterday’s session.

Training with Skyla has been a little easier. Starting with her warming up without complaining.

She's been quieter too, and I wonder what is on her mind… but again; I have to remember there is a boundary I need to keep in place.

I have my own questions that I wish I had answers to… irrelevant to her training.

Does she ever think of Reign?

She seems to be doing fine, and doesn't seem to be worried about anything… but I know that the truth is she’s got a lot more going on than she pretends to have and although I know some of her issues, I want her to tell me, as Royce. To trust me as she did Reign…

She has a lot of emotions that she just doesn’t seem to be able to get control of. I don’t exactly know what she is, but I know she’s not a werewolf, or not fully.

She just… the two training sessions I have had with her… There’s definitely something there that is not mentioned in her files, or the king simply doesn’t want anyone to know. Either way, there’s more to her.

Much like us, the Rossis are powerful, and it only makes sense they keep their true powers on the down low, just like Dante Rossi, who is extremely powerful. Delsanra Diana Rossi, the mate of Rayhan Rossi, is a hybrid demon witch.

There are others, like the Deimos prince, and many things they’ll keep quiet, but I don’t fault them on that. Knowledge is power, and for others to attain that information… can be dangerous.

A knock on the door of my office makes me look up, and I sit forward.

“Enter.” The door opens and I’m instantly hit with a powerful aura. Even if I hadn’t ever seen him before I would know who this is.

He’s muscular and tall, with tan skin, oozing power and dominance. He’s wearing black pants, a white button down and a suit jacket. Salt and pepper hair is brushed back with short back and sides and he has a small beard that is neatly groomed. He wears a dagger earring which hangs in one ear that glints when the weak sunlight from outside hits it. Tattoos cover his neck and, from what you can see from the buttons left open of his shirt, over his chest. They cover his hands, where he’s also wearing a few rings, loosely holding a cigarette between two fingers.

The Lycan king himself – Alejandro Rossi…

I stand up, we’re about the same height, and I can feel my wolf’s restlessness, urging me to show my own aura, but I hold it back.

“Alpha Alejandro.” I say, extending my hand.

A cold smirk crosses his face, and his dark eyes which look almost fully black watch me intently, glinting dangerously.

“Arden.” He says, accepting my outstretched hand, and takes a drag on his cigarette at the same time.

We exchange a firm shake before I step back, motioning for him to take a seat.

“Please take a seat.”

He’s watching me intently, and I know he’s sizing me up. Well, I didn’t dress to impress, I’m in a white button, grey jeans, a belt and trainers. My hair is open and my sleeves are pushed up. I don’t like to put on appearances; I am who I am, and I won’t change for anyone.

I’m not sure taking a seat behind the desk when the king is here, is deemed respectful… So instead, I decide to lean against my desk as the king takes a seat.

He holds vast power, and that power radiates from him, demanding respect. And when I hold his gaze, I can feel it.


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