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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 61


I hear Alejandro scoff at that, and I turn to him as I pull on my cardigan.

He reminds me of the background audience to a TV show or something. He really must make his presence known, not that he’s hard to miss as it is. I walk over to him.

“Mind if I take her?” I ask as I hold my hand out to shake as a peace offering.

I want to put whatever happened here, behind us. This match wasn’t going to be mentioned again, and I will never be sparring against the Lycan King again. I know my win did shock him, but I’m not trying to make him look any lower in his daughter’s eyes.

I can tell they clash often enough and don’t see eye to eye, although I put that down to their similar personalities, and I didn’t want to cause any further rifts between them.

“I fucking do mind, so stop fucking rubbing it in, knowing you both going to do whatever the fuck you want, anyway.” He growls, but he still takes my hand. “You’re not like your old man, not going to say much else out here, but let’s have that talk. You asked me a question and I’ll answer it… and regarding your spot at the academy… I have no issue if you fucking continue.”

I’m surprised at that but I simply nod. I went there unknowingly for my Lil Lucifer and I plan to stay and continue to train her…

Fuck, as wrong as I think it is, in a way, I still need to watch out for her around Aleric…

“Now I feel a bit better over the fact that I was never able to ever really best you in training.” The green-eyed goddess says as she saunters over to my car.

She’s wearing a lace crop top with a white mini skirt that seems to flare around her with every step she takes.

I drag my eyes away and look at Kiara.

“I’ll see you both soon.” I say, but she stops me by placing her hand on my arm.

“I will be looking forward to that visit in the holidays.” She says, as a wave of coolness spreads through me, and any remaining aches and pain vanish.

“Thank you.” I reply, placing my hand over hers for a second before I step back.

She smiles and nods as Alejandro pulls her close.

I walk over to Sky and open the door for her, but a flash of black blurs past me and jumps into the car first.

“Sorry, but where I go, so does Malevolent.” Skyla smirks.

“Sounds like a fair deal,” I reply softly. She smiles and places her hand on my waist and reaching up, kisses my jaw softly.

Our eyes meet and the urge to do so much more for her overcomes me. But instead, I simply give her a small smirk and wink and motion at her with my head to get in.

“Are you planning on just standing here, Love?” I ask teasingly.

She rolls her eyes before she gets in, and I close the door behind her before getting in on the other side.

The royals are watching, and I give them a small nod before shutting my door and switching the engine on.

“So, where are we going?” She asks, looking around and her gaze falls on the gifts in the back.

Reaching over to her, I take hold of the seat belt and strap her in, placing a soft kiss on her neck as I inhale her intoxicating scent.

I really need a shower… I’m a bloody mess.

Buckling her in, I reach behind and grab the box of roses.

“To my place in the city, and no, not the Arden mansion,” I reply,

It was even further out than the mansion, but we had enough time. It’s still early and I’ll get her back here by 4.

“Thanks for these, they’re gorgeous…” She says, brushing her fingertips over the roses. “I actually love red roses.”

Her green eyes meet mine and I nod.

“Yes, I know,” I glance at her tattooed arm that peeks through her sheer top. “You remind me of a rose.”

“Oh yeah, what about a rose reminds you of me?” She says, cocking one of those arched brows. “Aside from them having sharp thorns.”

She shows me her long, painted nails and I can’t help but smirk.

“A rose...” I begin, taking one from the box. I made sure that the stems were not completely shaved off, retaining their original beauty, and I brush my thumb down the stem, letting one of the thorns cut into my thumb. “Is breathtakingly beautiful, regal… yet it protects itself with its thorns… but once you get past that exterior…”

I brush my thumb over the soft petals, “You are met with the mesmerising allure of the petalled flower itself. Still strong, still dangerous, yet exceptionally beautiful and tender…” I reach over, brushing the rose across Skyla’s plush lips before trailing it down her neck. Her thumping heart makes me smile faintly. “And just like a rose in a storm, you hold your own, no matter how hard it gets.”


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