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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 62


First… Reign wants to ask his Luciferess out…

On a date long overdue, don’t you think? Let’s make that dream a reality, Lil Lucifer, come with me…

To the game that we first bonded over…

Be my date to the Game of the Century.

Those words ring in my head. My heart is pounding as I try to comprehend what he has just said, what he’s insinuating.

I’m unable to speak as I stare at him.

What is he going on about?

How? How is this even possible?

I’m trying to understand.

He’s claiming he’s Reign, although isn’t Aleric Reign?

But… Why does this just make so much sense?


“Reign needs his Lil Lucifer.” He murmurs before he claims my lips in a kiss that makes me go weak at the knees… or is it those words that got me melting?

My mind is spinning and I’m unable to kiss him back, despite the intensity of this toe-curling kiss.

A thousand thoughts going through my head…

Royce at the club, saying he was stood up…

The way he often reminded me of Reign…

I know it’s not just me wanting to believe he is Reign.

I know Royce, and I know he wouldn’t lie to me.

The way he talks acts and everything about him just… clicks…

Suddenly, a wave of guilt, regret, and disgust hits me hard and I pull away from him, stepping back.

His anger after he learned I slept with Aleric… His words, on self-respect, return with Vengeance.

He was Reign, and he watched me fuck it all up like he meant nothing to me…

I slept with his brother, for fuck’s sake.

Way to fucking go, Sky.

“Hey…” He says, concern flashing in his eyes.

He doesn’t move and he tries to reach for me, but I take another step further back. My heart is pounding, and I wish I could turn back time and change what I’ve done.

“Why didn’t you tell me before?” I ask hoarsely. “Why did you change your mind!”

If he hadn’t stood me up, I wouldn't have fucked shit up.


“You were Reign, yet you got cold feet? Why?” My voice is calmer and quiet, but inside of me, the storm that is brewing is dizzying.

“When I realised who you were, and the fact that I was supposed to be your teacher… plus being with me, would have made things complicated in other aspects... I honestly had no idea what I should do so I stayed silent. You were the King’s daughter who I was supposed to help, but you turned out to be Luciferess so I just…” He trails off and my mind returns to that moment in the bathroom.

Call me a hypocrite. But did Luciferess even mean shit to him, if he randomly picked up a girl at a club?

“You’re not me… I fuck stuff up… Tell me, Royce, did Luciferess ever mean anything to you? Because after what went down at the club, I don’t think she did.”

He frowns slightly and shakes his head.

“After you said you didn’t want to meet up that night, no matter how much I tried to get you to talk, you ignored me. I realised you must have gotten cold feet and in a lapse of judgement… I saw you at the club and you were the perfect distraction…”

His eyes meet mine, almost as if he’s searching for something, but I don’t budge, staring at him.

We both made mistakes…

“I don’t get it… We were both there… you were the one who said to me you needed to cancel, remember?” I remind him, my heart is pounding, and I feel sick.

“No… You said you didn’t want…” He trails off, and a frown creases his forehead.

He takes his phone out, his heart thudding as he unlocks it.

I’ve been played... or we have been played…

And it’s kinda obvious by who…


My head is screaming at me that he had a hand in this…


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