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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 63


However, I also don’t want him to get angry.

“I… Did you tell Aleric about us?” I ask, I’m the fiery one usually… but right now I know I need to be the calm one because I’m not sure I want to see Royce lose it… often the most patient can be the deadliest when pissed off.

His aura rises as his eyes slowly meet mine, gone is the gentle Royce, he’s controlling himself but even I can see the burning rage within him.

“Why do you ask? Tell me, Love, did he say something to you?” His voice is low, deeper than usual, almost a growl and there’s a deadly aura around him.

A crack of thunder outside makes my head snap to the windows that stretch from the floor to the ceiling as a downpour of rain darkens the sky outside.

“You didn’t answer me.” I say softly, placing my hands on his chest. My gaze dips to his abs and fuck, I wish I had paid more attention…

I mean, I fucking did pay a lot of attention to every lickable inch, but I never compared…

Now thinking about it… Aleric’s abs were not as defined as Royce’s; he was slimmer too than Royce.

Even if the picture he sent was of him sitting, I should have clicked…

“No, I never told him, but I will say that I have been careless enough to leave my phone lying around in his presence. However, why do you ask that? Has he really not said something to you?” His icy gaze only becoming harder.

“Sit down.” I say, pushing him firmly yet gently back onto the sofa. He’s pissed, but he doesn’t resist.

“I’m going to hate what you are about to tell me, am I not?” He says, I don’t know if it’s his anger, but his accent sounds thicker.

“You really are sexy.” I murmur, making him raise an eyebrow, but at least it takes the edge off his anger.

I climb onto his lap, straddling him as I place my hands on his shoulder.

The temperature in the room has dropped, and I can feel the cold beginning to bite into me.

“This is a change… you’re usually the calm one.” I say,

“I am calm.” He replies, as his hands brush my waist, sending a jolt through me.

No, you’re not babe… You’re containing a storm… one that will cause destruction if it comes out… do I tell him about Aleric?

The truth never stays hidden…

“Promise me you won’t flip out.” I say.

He frowns deeply. “What did he do?” He asks, and I know he won’t listen.

“He claimed he was Reign.” I say quietly as I lean over and pick up my phone.

I feel him tense, but he doesn’t say anything for a moment.

Unlocking my phone, I go to our chat and scroll back to where he told me he was creating a new name. Why did it all feel so weird now?

The red flag was there…

“He did, did he… How stupid have I been…” Royce says, turning his head away. “I just… how he made the link between you being Luciferess. I have no idea, but he crossed a line he never should have…”

I tilt my head and hold the phone out to him. He takes it from me as he scrolls through the messages,

“I think I know how, the day we were meant to meet, he popped down to the cottage. I was out for a run, I came back and he was there, he had saved Malevolent or some shit, now I’m fucking wondering if that was a lie too… Well he came in and my phone was on the table and he did glance at it when a notification popped up, your message was there too, so maybe…” I trail off, clenching my jaw.

Because he sure didn’t fucking react when he saw me tats and all outside the cottage…


I’ve been played.

We’re both silent as we try to process exactly what’s happened and I know if it wasn’t for him being on the brink of losing control that I would have lost my shit already.

I slept with Aleric, and he has simply tried to fuck me over and lied…

“Is that why you slept with him?” He asks quietly and I jump, thinking we had been thinking about the same thing, somewhat.


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