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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 93


I watch Skyla kiss her chosen mate, feeling an odd sense of turmoil inside of me. His reaction when I stepped out of the house… Was it a coincidence that Leo had asked me about my family this morning?

I know maybe it’s just my assumption, but I can’t deny he’s watched me more than he has Azura or Kataleya and there’s a look in his eyes that he’s trying to hide.

I look down at my plate, taking a bite as my mind wonders back to earlier…


“Mind if I have a word?” Leo says, entering the kitchen where I am busy preparing breakfast.

Last night had been a commotion with a patient in critical condition being brought in and I knew Skyla had come too.

Of course, everything was kept quiet until this morning and when I heard who it was, I wanted to cook for them. He had helped Leo when Azura was in trouble, and he had saved Skyla’s life. It’s also the way I cope with things. When I’m worried or concerned, I cook.

And the reason for my concern is who exactly he is. Royce Arden, the man we met at the hospital…

I don’t know why, but it makes me feel a little on edge. When we had shaken hands… there had been this intense feeling of familiarity, although I have never met him in my life.

“Of course.” I say, almost saying Alpha, but he’s made it clear I needed to stop.

I know sometimes it still hurts him when he sees my mark on Marcel’s neck, but he’s getting more accustomed to it and even then, he’s never changed towards me. He still treats me well, just as he always has.

He glances towards the closed kitchen door, sighing as he takes out a cigarette and leans against the opposite counter, watching as I carry on grating the potato for the hash browns.

“I know you said that you don’t want to ever learn of your past, or where you came from.” He begins. His words make me freeze as my heart thuds.

With bated breath, I wait for him to continue. “But I wanted to ask… if I learned something about your past, would you want to know?”

I frown slightly, looking up at him. “What do you mean by learned?” I ask, feeling worried.

“Not intentionally, however. Someone who may be related to you has approached me and requested to meet you.”

I drop the potato I’m holding, fear enveloping me, and I shake my head. “No, why would they? They didn’t want me. They left me at an orphanage.” I whisper, knowing I sound crazy.

Leo takes a drag on his cigarette. “Honestly, yes, they fucking did. But not all of them. You have a family out there Winona and although yes it was someone who placed you there… they are not all alike. However, if you don’t fucking want to know anything, this person will walk away. They are willing to respect whatever you decide.”

Deep down I had wished I was really an orphan who had nowhere to go… but to know they placed me there…

But they aren’t all alike… I know I never wanted to look into it. Even when Alejandro had been curious about my heritage, I was blissfully happy without knowing, but now that I know he knows something…

“What else do you know, and this person… how are they related to me?” I whisper, looking up at him.

He’s conflicted too. I know he wouldn’t have approached me if this person was not good, but I can also see that he fears I’ll get hurt… maybe I will…

“He’s your brother.” He says finally, making my heart skip a beat.


“A few years younger than you.” He says.

“H-how are you sure?” I whisper.

“The facts match, and it’s not hard to miss.” He says, his voice short and cold, clearly not wanting to get into that.

“My parents… are they… alive? Do they know he’s approached us?” I ask.

He takes a long drag on his cigarette. “Your mother thinks you were stillborn. It was your father who got rid of you.”

A sharp sting of pain rushes through me.

One question burning in my mind.


Followed by a wave of relief that washes over me.

My mother didn’t get rid of me… I have a mother… one who thinks I’m dead.

From happy to confused to sad to uncertain, my emotions are havoc.

I have told you what I could Winona, if you want me to find out more… I can. If you want me to let you think about it, I will. And… if you do wish to meet him, he’ll be more than willing and what I can say is, he isn’t a bad person.”

That means a lot coming from Leo. I know Leo wouldn’t even mention it to me if he was.

“I know, you wouldn’t have told me if he isn’t a good person… I’ll… I’ll think it over.” I reply.

He nods, “Whatever your decision may be, I’ll stand by it and make sure he fucking honours it.” He says.

I nod, and he turns to leave the kitchen. He’s at the door when I speak up.

“If it was you! Wh-what would you do?” I ask the man who has been a master, idol, and a saviour to me.

He may be Marcel’s son, but to me, he will always be the person who saved me when I was lost and scared. The person who offered me protection and a home when I had nowhere to go.


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