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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 94


“How fucking obvious did you make it?” Leo asks as I run my fingers through my hair.

“I swear I did not sense her there.”


“He’s not wrong, and it’s me who let it slip.” Skyla says defensively, but I pull her close to calm her.

“Yeah, like your fucking father, you don’t know how to hold back shit.” He says, frowning at her.

She glares back at him, and I move her behind me slightly.

Leo has every right to be angry, and I rather that anger is directed at me than Skyla. She glares at Leo with equal venom, but she doesn’t say anything more.

“This isn’t something I wanted her to find out like this, but why does it feel like you don’t seem too bothered?” I ask, looking at Leo.

He tilts his head and cocks a brow. “From my conversation with her earlier, I deduced she would have probably agreed.” He says.

“And she’s so sweet. Did you see her only concern was little Phoenix, otherwise that little Humpty Dumpty would have taken a fall.” Skyla says, shaking her head.

We both look at her as she giggles at whatever image that brought to her mind.

“You do know although she’s a werewolf, she would have gotten hurt?” I say lightly, raising an eyebrow.

She nods, a small frown appearing on her face. “I know, but she’s so round, maybe she would have bounced.”

“Remind me never to leave my fucking kids with you.” Leo says, but he’s smirking at her joke.

Sometimes these Rossis are… interesting.

“Should I worry about my future kids?” I ask, then pause, realising that was not appropriate. Ah, fuck. “I didn’t…”

Skyla freezes, and Leo smirks as I trail off, knowing I’ll only make it worse.

“Yeah, I would worry, with a psycho like her as their mama.” He says arrogantly.

“Hey, your woman is more psycho than I am.” Skyla growls, only amusing her cousins further.

I smile lightly, the tension in the room easing when there’s a knock on the door and it opens to reveal a serious Marcel. He’s observing me intently before he nods more to himself.

“Winona’s awoken. She wishes to speak to you.”

Skyla looks at me before I kiss her lips quickly. ‘Wish me luck.’

‘You won’t need it. She’s lucky to have you, but I got to admit, you siblings are hot.’ Skyla says with a smirk.

I cock a brow, remembering what she had said back in the hospital room and smile faintly.

‘I’m just your type.’ I say as I follow Marcel out of the door. The last thing I hear is Leo speaking and Skyla laughing.

“I can’t stop imagining Phoenix as an egg now.”

Marcel chuckles as the door shuts, and he falls into step beside me, becoming serious.

“If what Winona has said is anything to go by, then I will not let your father simply get away with this. He tried to have a child killed.” His eyes flash as he now looks at me.

“I feel the same rage and I can assure you justice shall be served. I know it won’t be as easy to prove. With the Beta dead, there’s not many who will dare speak up. But he will be punished, and I will be challenging him for the title of Alpha.” I say as we reach their bedroom.

“Good, you beat Alejandro’s arse, I’m sure your father won’t be different.” His voice is hard and I’m glad to see my sister has those that love her.


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