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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 4324

Merlin's words shook Christian. He began to question the rationality of the matter in his mind. After thinking about it, he came to the conclusion that Merlin was right.

If this was just a coincidence, then Keith was more than just lucky. In fact, he was very blessed to be saved. Moreover, Quinn arrived at such perfect timing. Had she arrived ten minutes late, Keith would have suffered from cerebral hypoxia and died. By then, no one and nothing could save him.

Plus, it was bizarre for her to suddenly fly and visit Los Angeles at the dead of the night.

After all, the East Coast to the West Coast of the United States was more than four thousand kilometers, a distance much farther than Oskia's northernmost Moncolne to the southernmost Hallan Island,

It simply made absolutely no sense for Quinn to drop by for a sudden visit across such a long distance at night.

Besides, Quinn had come to the United States for a long trip. If she wanted to come to visit, she could’ve arranged it either earlier or later. That, or she could’ve stopped by to visit during her Los Angeles concert. Yet, she chose to come to them at such a strange time.


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