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The Medallion novel Chapter 1090

"Let's wait and see!" Alston was aware that the current situation was not favorable for him. With two major armies of the Holy Dragon Empire at his beck and call, not to mention the Timber Deity Empire's influence, Rocky currently had the upper hand. However, Alston was still the Holy Dragon Empire's acting emperor, so as long as he sat on the throne, his brother would never dare to hurt him. Otherwise, he would be an enemy of the whole royal family. With nothing more that he could do, Alston shot Rocky a cold stare and waved his hand, instructing the remnants of his men to leave with him dejectedly.

Honestly, Rocky had no intention of letting his brother leave that easily, as he believed that if he set the "tiger" free, it would bring endless troubles for him. However, Rocky then noticed Marcia shook her head at him discreetly, so he could not help but sigh in frustration. He understood that they could not kill Alston right there and right then. Besides, Alston was still the acting emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire. If they killed him, they would be accused of treason.

Despite his unwillingness, Rocky stood still as Alston left with his men.

In this way, a dramatic and thrilling farce ended with Alston leaving, but at the same time, it detonated a bomb inside Alston's head when he saw that Basil was still alive, not to mention the power and support he had managed to collect. That day was a landslide victory for Basil.

Alston was not the only one who was shocked. Everyone who witnessed the developments of the whole farce was shaken to the core, though they tried not to show it on their faces.

"Your Royal Highness and General Marcia, can I have a private talk with both of you?" Bryant asked the moment Alston and his men left. The general was anxious to learn the truth about what was happening. And he hated that he had been kept in the dark for so long.

Rocky and Marcia exchanged looks before nodding as one.

Then, Bryant and Shirley left first with Rocky and Marcia.

On the other hand, a young man hurriedly came out of the crowd and approached Sabina and her father.

"Father! Sabina!" he called, and his head was almost buzzing with excitement.

"Oh, my goodness! My dear son!"


As soon as they heard his voice, both Elvis and Sabina hurried to his side.

"Flint, is everything okay? Are you hurt?" Elvis asked worriedly, looking at his son from head to toe as if he was checking for any injuries.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Please don't worry about me, Father. But was that man really Prince Basil? He was the man who received training with me back then!" Flint could not even believe it, and stared at Rocky's retreating back in astonishment.

Meanwhile, Rocky and Marcia followed Bryant and Shirley to the conference hall, where they all sat down. Bryant asked Rocky to narrate what happened from the beginning. Soon, Rocky recounted the crucial parts in short.

During all that time, Bryant felt like he was dreaming, as all the things that Rocky told them were beyond his imagination. But it was too outrageous to be made up, so he believed that Rocky was telling the truth.

"You mean it was Alston who set you up and tried to kill you?" Bryant couldn't believe that Alston could be so cruel. He knew that the prince could be aggressive and ambitious, but he had thought that he would have had some limits to his ruthlessness. It turned out that he was wrong—Alston's cruelty seemed limitless.

"I didn't expect him to be so despicable." Shirley could not help but frown after listening to Rocky's story, and her eyes lingered on Rocky secretly. Truthfully, she was still confused about some things, like how Rocky and Prince Basil were the same person. Besides, it was hard to believe that he had undergone such a drastic change in just two years, and now he was a peerless master at the Divine Stage.

"What he did is more than that. According to our investigation, he is also the one behind the emperor's disappearance," Marcia said bluntly.

"That is a very serious accusation. Do you have any evidence?" Bryant's thick, white eyebrows raised abruptly.


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