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The Medallion novel Chapter 1091

In the hall of the Witch Palace in Holy Dragon Empire's Palace City, a conversation was unfolding.

"Excuse me? Can you repeat that please? I think I misheard you." Lena's eyes were wide with disbelief after the shocking news she just received. Her face was thin and pallid, which showed that she had not slept well for days. In front of her was a woman clothed in white.

"Just as Your Royal Highness heard, Prince Basil is still alive. General Marcia sent me here to invite you to her mansion. Prince Basil is waiting for you there," the woman in white said respectfully.

"Basil is waiting for me? What does he look like now? Is he really still alive? Oh, please don't play such a cruel joke on me!" Lena's body trembled weakly, and she could not utter another word. Part of her wanted to believe the news desperately, but how could she? It was impossible! This kind of thing only happened in her dreams. However, she also knew that Marcia wouldn't lie to her. It seemed that her dreams had finally come true today, but it was taking her too long to believe it.

"Your Royal Highness, please hurry up. We don't have much time. If you will it, I can bring you to Prince Basil. But we need to leave the Palace City as soon as possible, before the acting emperor comes back," the woman in white urged.

"Okay, I'll go with you. Please wait for a moment. Randi, please go outside and keep watch for me. I need to go and grab something before leaving," Lena instructed.

Randi nodded at once and promptly walked out of the Witch Palace.

At the same time, Lena carefully turned around and closed the door behind her. Then she walked to a corner, hidden by a massive cabinet. She waved her hand, making a sweeping gesture over the empty wall. Immediately, the entire wall caved in, which revealed a passage for one person.

Lena hurriedly walked along the passage and soon got to a secret chamber filled with all kinds of ancient books.

She went straight to a stone table in the center of the chamber, where a thick book entitled 'The Witch's Book' was placed. Lena swept her hand over it and put the book into her Magic Spiritual Space. Then, without another glance at the other books, she turned around and left the chamber.

However, Lena found something unexpected just as she came back to the hall. The white-robed woman that Marcia had sent was lying in a pool of blood, while Randi who stood a couple of meters away was shaking slightly, and her face was white as a newly bleached sheet. There was another person in the hall, and he was standing right by the woman's dead body.

"What do you think you're doing? Why did you kill her?!" Lena shouted furiously, staring at the scene in front of her.

The man slowly turned around, and something cold and sinister emanated from him when Lena laid eyes on his wrinkled face. He was Priest Dean of the Holy Dragon Empire.

"Your Royal Highness, why are you in such a hurry? Are you going somewhere?" Priest Dean asked in a calm and gloomy tone.

"It's none of your business. What are you doing in my palace?" Lena questioned with a deep frown on her face. Meanwhile, she glanced at the woman, whose white clothes were now stained with so much blood. She wanted to check on her, but she needed all her wits to deal with Priest Dean first.

"Oh, I believe that you've learned the news that Basil is still alive. Let me guess. You're going to see him, right? I didn't expect that guy to be so lucky!" Priest Dean said viciously.

"What are you talking about?" Lena asked in surprise. The news of Basil's return shouldn't have spread back to the Palace City that fast. Something was wrong.

"Oh, maybe Randi can tell you," Priest Dean sneered and turned to Randi, who was trembling all over out of fear. "You did a good job. Here you are. It will relieve you from the poison inside your body." Saying this, he took out a pill and threw it to Randi, who scrambled after it at once.

"Randi! What did you do?" Lena shouted feebly. She couldn't believe that Randi, who had been close to her since childhood, betrayed her.


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