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The Medallion novel Chapter 1120

Sheridan and the three women tried their best to protect the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire from being attacked by the dragons swooping down from the sky.

After a short stalemate, Bryant and Marcia finally got away from the Dead Valley, trying to join the foursome. Yet, five ordinary spiritual beings chased after the two.

"General Marcia! I don't care about your plan, but the most important task right now is to save His Majesty. We should work together to break out of the encirclement!" Bryant shouted to Marcia.

She nodded. Two beams of residual light appeared as they moved in lightning speed towards their group. And in an instant, they were beside Sheridan and the others.

"Why are you here?" the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire asked, surprised to see Bryant and Marcia.

They stared at the emperor in dismal shock. They had never in their worst nightmare expected to see their hale and hearty emperor in this state.

"Let's go." Bryant signaled to the group and then nodded to Marcia.

They formed a closed perimeter around the emperor, and led by Bryant and Marcia, the group quickly broke out of the encirclement.

But the five ordinary spiritual beings caught up to them, and in the blink of an eye, blocked their path.

Another figure appeared in front of them at lightning speed, and dealt a direct attack to the five ordinary spiritual beings, distracting their attention from the group.

The figure turned out to be Rocky who had just escaped the siege of the spiritual slaves.

"Go! Go!" Rocky shouted to the others.

Bryant immediately summoned his seven-star spiritual beast. "Get on!" he yelled to the rest of the group. After all of them mounted the beast, it soared into the air.

"Bryant! Wait! We should help Basil!" Sabina exclaimed in horror. Rocky was fighting against the five ordinary spiritual beings on his own now. Even the weakest of them was at the preliminary grade of the Divine Stage, almost as powerful as Rocky, and the strongest of them was at the fifth grade of the Divine Stage. No way could Rocky fight and win against all of them!

Rocky didn't take his eyes off the spiritual beasts. This battle was as fierce as the one that had taken place in the Witch Palace not long ago. However, this time, Rocky was facing a more dangerous threat. At the same cultivation level, the spiritual race was far more powerful than humans. Furthermore, he had to take care of the constantly approaching spiritual slaves and dragons.

He was trapped with no means of escape.

"Prince Basil is trying to block the pursuers all by himself..." Bryant said, his face darkening.

"No!" Sabina and Lucilla gasped together.

"No way! Are you kidding me? My dear disciple!" Sheridan exclaimed, looking down at Rocky's distant figure.

"Prince Basil asked me to leave it up to him. I had no reason to refuse. He also asked me not to let anyone interfere. So, if anyone tries to leave the back of this beast, I will stop him!" Bryant warned in a cold tone.

"But... Basil... He..." the emperor stammered and coughed. He had already gotten off from Ken and mounted the spiritual dragon.

"Grandpa! You know that he will not be able to battle so many original spiritual beings alone," Shirley exclaimed, joining the others in protest.

"I have to help Basil! No one can stop me!" Sabina said, biting her pink lips in anxiety.


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